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Legacy Threadmins and Group Moderators 2.0.11

Allow users to moderate & administrate specific threads without full access.
Threadmins and Group Moderators
Threadmins and Group Moderators is a self moderation system that allows threads to be moderated by the user that created them, also allows users to be assigned as moderators to a single thread also allows usergroups to be assigned as moderators to forums and also allows users to be assigned as moderators to a single Social Group discussion.
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Overview Feature list Copyright info Releases (18)

Threadmins and Group Moderators is a self moderation system that allows threads to be moderated by the user that created them. Users can be given permissions to edit, delete, sticky, open/close or be immune to such actions. Also it allows users to be assigned as moderators to a single thread or to a single Social Group discussion and allows usergroups to be assigned as moderators to forums.

Product Information

vBulletin 4.x.x
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Branding Free


Professional Installation

1 Day