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Legacy vBShop 3.5.3

Allow your members to use points & buy permissions, features and more on your forum.
vBShop is the most advanced shop mod to date. Giving you unprecedented control over what items you can sell, vBShop is the perfect mod to go along with virtually any points modification.
With features like overriding any usergroup permission, including those of custom modifications, vBShop raises the bar for what you will come to expect from a shop mod.
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Overview Feature list Copyright info Releases (44) Discussion

vBShop is the most advanced shop mod to date. Giving you unprecedented control over what items you can sell, vBShop is the perfect mod to go along with virtually any points modification.
With features like overriding any usergroup permission, including those of custom modifications, vBShop raises the bar for what you will come to expect from a shop mod.


Most other shop modifications add support for overriding certain stock actions, like increased PM space, increased avatar size, super moderator permissions, etc...
vBShop takes this to the next level and offers you 100% control over every single usergroup permission conceivable, including those of modifications we've never even heard of!

Usergroup permissions is not all it can do, however. It can also let members buy styling for your user title like bold, italics and colors, user title changing, username changing, and immunity from these changes.

It also offers a simple points system that you can use if you do not wish to add a points modification to your forum.


Product Information

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
Release date
Last update
0% 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

Pricing information


Branding Free


Professional Installation

1 Day