
Subject of mod :

Random question and answer or fact on each page below navbar of forum, clicking on question box will show answer, and clicking again will hide it again.

Actually we hired one coder for same, but he could not finish project in time and we didnt liked his we have basic script ready..
(basic script has already question-answer below navbar and click to show answer - but lack hyperlink, few features,some incompatibility issues only)

Tell me excat price without my basic script i already have for this plugin (if you want to start from scratch) and with basic script (if you will work directly on that(

Also tell time limit when you'll be able to finish my project.

I request you to reply with rerasonable price, if we'll like your work, then we'll also move ahead with that mock test (quiz) mod with you and many other future projects.

Requested features :

1.Bug fix and vBulletin Update support
2.Version update support (If you can add more features or improve plugin periodically and release new version)
3.Backup data / Export quiz (added question&answer) feature - export button to export it and import button to import same on another or same board. Same feature was available in several mods including infernoquiz, you can check to have an idea
4.Usergroup permission to view/edit/delete question/answer/fact etc
5.Word "Random Quiz/Facts" should be hyperlinked with"XXX".php
6.Easy interface to add questions and answers or fact (question only). Suppose if i need to add 40-50+ question and answers or facts, it'll be boring and time consuming if i've to add them one by one on each page, so figure it out..
7.Moderate question and answer or facts added by certain usergroup before they are publoshed and certain usergroup can bypass moderation
8.Integration with some point system, not decided but vbexperience.
9.moderator can only soft delete q&a, only admin can delete physically..if moderators edit, they must leave reason note..admin can see edited q&A user profile/postbit, there shd be field showing number of q&a added by user (enable or disable option in admincp for same)or if not in individual profile, then in "xxx".php page displaying q&a submitted by "x" user separately etc..
11.Should be compatible with current (vb 4.1.3) as well as future vb version and other standard 3rd party plugins
12.More ideas and creativity are welcome. Small changes and requests shd be accepted after i'll see your mod.
Our rate is $2300 per week (minimum of 1 week payment required). Assuming our understanding of the request is correct, it would probably be a little under 2 weeks work and cost about $2800

To do custom work our coders are required to exit their regular schedule, which means they lose out on money they would normally make on their work in that period. We have calculated that since a modification created for sale on DBTech would earn them money every week, for a custom job to be financially viable for the coder (and company) the fee is approx $2300-2500 per week.

Obviously this isn't in most peoples price range which we understand, but it is our fee nonetheless.

Sorry but I can't think of that budget for such small script. :(
But in future, if you want to create or Start new project, I hope you will consider this one in mind & create such plugin in future.
Or integrate it with vB Quiz Pro.

Hopefully till then I'll have this plugin. Thx.
Sorry but I can't think of that budget for such small script. :(
But in future, if you want to create or Start new project, I hope you will consider this one in mind & create such plugin in future.
Or integrate it with vB Quiz Pro.

Hopefully till then I'll have this plugin. Thx.

We'll keep it in mind, however we have a lot of products designed which are queued to be coded, so i wouldn't expect it any time soon. If we do it, it probably wouldn't be until next year.

next yr?

=) Most modifications take anywhere from a week to 3 months to create - in addition all of our modifications are updated a few times a year. Same reason software companies such as adobe or games companies such as creative assembly don't release lots of things constantly - professionally created software takes time.