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Error found when submitting my quiz on your site for testing purposes.

Warning: Division by zero in [path]/dbtech/vbquiz/actions/quizresults.php on line 118
Error found when submitting my quiz on your site for testing purposes.

Warning: Division by zero in [path]/dbtech/vbquiz/actions/quizresults.php on line 118

The reason you got the error is because the quizzes use a weighted answer. You don't have any answer worth to the correct answers so in the end it gave you a 0 points divided by 0 possible.
I'll put something in there to take care of the error and on the next release probably make an option to choose between creating an evenly scored quiz vs a weighted score quiz.
Thanks for finding that error though :)

Dylan Still same error
Warning: Division by zero in [path]/dbtech/vbquiz/actions/quizresults.php on line 118

I tried to edit my quiz and insert a point for each question answered correctly so the division would be divided making the math work for the end result instead of division by zero.

But I cant edit my questions / Add points :(
Dylan Still same error
Warning: Division by zero in [path]/dbtech/vbquiz/actions/quizresults.php on line 118

I tried to edit my quiz and insert a point for each question answered correctly so the division would be divided making the math work for the end result instead of division by zero.

But I cant edit my questions / Add points :(

To be able to modify the quiz questions you need to deactivate it first. This is to keep users from taking the test while you are tweaking the questions.
I went in and modified the questions and added a 1 to each correct answer. Brings up a good feature request though, ability for admin to rescore completed quizzes once the quiz has been modified. I'll add that to the next release.
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