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Foreach errors

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/nextgen/public_html/vb/arcade.php on line 110

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/nextgen/public_html/vb/arcade.php on line 460
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/nextgen/public_html/vb/arcade.php on line 110

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/nextgen/public_html/vb/arcade.php on line 402
I created a new permission and selected Administrator and when I click on [Delete] it gives a empty admin page and doesn't delete the permission.

Also it gave me permission denied when active, I had to de-activate and use Any Usergroup permission
Was the Any usergroup permission listed above the Admin one you created? As per the directions, that one still would have stuck first, thus no permission if you had that marked as such. Seems I forgot to implement the ability to delete, so I'll say confirmed for now.
Any Usergroup was on the bottom with NONE and the new one with Administrator was on top with PLAY
#1 Admin with Default(PLAY) Earned(NONE) and #2 Any Usergroup with Default(NONE) Earned (NONE)...

I guess Earned has to be on something too huh? I put play on it and now it lets me in with AnyUsergroup on NONE
If you dont set any restrictions, the applied permission moves from Default direct to Earned.

As per the instructions posted on that page, the system goes down the list starting at the top, and stops at the usergroup/game combo that fits. From there, you get the default permission. If you pass the restrictions (or there are none) then you get the Earned permission. Would it make things more obvious if users got the Default permission if there are no restrictions?

In this regard, your settings matched your description. You had admin earned set to None, which is what you ended up with. Changing that to Play means you have play access, and the system doesnt bother testing the Any condition for you.
I see, I thought Default (PLAY) would let me in cause I meet the Admin usergroup. I figured since I didnt have any Optional Requirements that Earned wouldnt matter.

I just read it in the EDIT part, and technically shouldn't it still work since

Default Access
The access granted if the user fails to meet the minimum requirements below. Disabled games are always unaffected and hidden.

There was no minimum requirements set below that area, so shouldn't I have defaulted to Default - PLAY cause I failed to meet the non existing minimum requirements??

Seems a tad bit confusing lol
:p well its divide by zero situation (0 of 0 requirements were met... so is that 0% complete or 100% complete?), but i'll change it to the other way.
Ahh I just saw it, and I think I get it

All specified minimums must be met to gain the earned access. Use blank or 0 to ignore any requirement. If nothing is specified, users automatically get the earned access rather than default.

so under what condition will default access go into affect? If they fail one of the requirements?
Yes; but I agree with your original assumption that since you never set any requirements, there was nothing to earn in the first place.

I'll change it to the new way.
I'm also putting in the delete permission ability again right now :p
Ah ok :)

Off Topic (I didnt think a thread for this was worth it) under debug mode dbtech_vbarcade_navtab is in red. (Not cached)
Ah jeez, I had the plugin that handles that, but forgot to mark it for the arcade and not vbulletin. Itll be included in the next beta.
Thanks to this discussion, the following is ready to go in the next beta:

Allows for deletion of a permission (except the default any/any)

Slight wording to how it chooses the permission to use
If there are no requirements, then it is Default all the way
In such a case, it will not present a dropdown under Earned on the summary page either

Just have to make it so those errors dont happen initially and will mark this closed.
I set the perms as Bravo did as well, which is why I think I was getting the failed perms issues. They are ordered correctly as well.

Going to edit them now and see if I can get them to work since I can't delete them currently (I'll kill 'em outta the DB if I can see how easily enough).
Ok, yeah, mine work now. I just didn't understand what was happening. I commented more on my permissions thread.
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