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When Global Scoring is on, some scores are hidden

When Global Score is enabled, many high scores are showing up as "Unknown" on the games list.

When I disabled it, then all of the expected high scores that I knew were there, appeared.
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not a bug - it is showing the global scores! to switch back, theres now a Local link, and that swaps it back (with a Global link to swap back again)
Unfortunately, either the global scoring isnt fully working yet, not enough beta testers know about it, or not enough people are trying to play with it enabled, but there arent a whole lot of global scores right now...
I would assume, if I have a game installed that no other site does global score means diddly?
Well, yes, and effectively your site's scores will be the global top scores, so both should match in that case.

I am collecting a small amount of game data along with the scores in order to build some sort of global info page at dbtech in the future, as well as some global leaderboards. Its not enough game info/assets to facilitate a download hub for games though (for reasons explained elsewhere).
Excellent, I am sure it will be a added plus to DBT and the arcade, as well as users who purchase the mod.
One question, is there an option to display either the local or global score by default? I already had some members asking what happened and who people were, etc. I'd like to see it list both at the same time maybe really. Dunno if there's room, etc. But.. just reiterating what I've heard from a couple members so far.
I would think if you enable global scores in acp, it would be nice to see in the arcade local on one line and global on another.

Would give users 2 options to try to beat, the forum high score and the global high score.
Yup, that's pretty much what I meant, thanks for clarifying it as I know I can be a little... obscure at times. heh =)
Darkwaltz4, can you check if Global Score is working ?

I've now set the Global Score Ranking to Participate and show champions, but I would like to know if this is working and can you collect game data from my server
Unfortunately ET, I would doubt that it will work for you, since it involves more networking requests (this time to dbtech) which im sure also wont be whitelisted. i can try it for you in a bit though.
Thanks Darkwaltz4, it should be very nice if this is working, but if not, does not matter, it's still a great product and it can work without all stupid restrictions from my hosting company ;)
This was kinda discussed by me and Trekkan, but since it was in a bug report I figure I would post it as a feature request.
Original thread: posts #8 and #9

I would think if you enable global scores in acp, it would be nice to see in the arcade local on one line and global on another.

Would give users 2 options to try to beat, the forum high score and the global high score.

Local Champion

Global Champion
Okay, so since nobody seems to like the toggle idea, and many of you want a historical high score (thats not the current one), im thinking of getting rid of the swap, and just stacking them.

local current best
my current best

local historical best
my historical best (with local rank)

global historical best
my historical best (with global rank)

obviously, if global or historical is disabled, wont show that set.
so, what order should they be in? should any be hidden or swappable?
remember, needs to be uniform across all games so the heights are consistent.
i also dont want to make this fully customizable, cuz thats a lot of options nobody will want to deal with.
Local High Score
Global High Score
My Current Score

I know that's probably a line extra than you want, but, that's what I'd like anyway. =)
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