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Legacy DragonByte Custom Navigation 1.2.0

Add new, cuistomizable navigation UI elements to your forum.
DragonByte Custom Navigation
This is a nifty mod that will allow administrators to add up to eight navigation items above the navbar like we have on DBT.
  • 235.webp
    20.6 KB · Views: 844
  • 236.webp
    4.4 KB · Views: 851

Overview Feature list Copyright info Releases (3)

Why use DragonByte Custom Navigation?

There could be hundreds of reasons to utilize this product.
Say you and your staff want some navigation to be easier to find, no problem this mod is the answer.
You could also use it to allow your members to find some navigation items easier.
It can be used to work with usergroups, so if a member gets promoted, he would see the additional navigation items above the navbar, making them feel as if they earned something.

Product Information

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
Release date
Last update
0% 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

Pricing information


Branding Free


Professional Installation

1 Day