Major Features
Attachments in PM's: Users now can use attachments in their pm's. (Pro)
PM Auto Responder: Users can set a auto response to pm's they receive if they wish.
No Links in PM's: Admins have the ability to set no links in pm's.
PM Blocker: User have the ability to set up a pm block from users they do not wish to get pm's from.
PM Warning Block: User have the ability to set up a warning message that senders will see if try and send a pm to someone with it set up.
Minimum Posts To Send PM's: Admins have the ability to set minimum amount of posts to send pm's.
Pm Previews: Admins can set from tow different types of pm preview, a threaded type or mouseover.
Excluded Usergroups/Users From Sending PM's: Admins can set usergroups to not be able to send pm's.
Days Registered To Send PM's: Admins can set minimum days registered to be able to send pm's.
Throttle PM's: Admins can set a limit on how many pm users can send in a given time period.
PM Notifications: Admins can choose between two different notifications users will see when they have unread pm's.
PM Post Quote: Users can be pm'd if someone quotes them in a post.
Auto Quote Pm: Users can have the option to automatically remove the auto quote from PM's they reply to.
Reply To All Recipients: Users can choose to reply to all, if the pm was sent to multiple recipients.
Prune PM's Via Cron Job: Admins can set pm's to be pruned by a cron job.
Force Users To Read PM's: Admins can set it so users must read pm's before doing anything on the forum.
Mass PM Users From ACP: Admins can mass pm users from the acp, with many types of criteria to choose from.
PM Stats/Log: List showing all users PM stats.