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Just purchased vBCredits and have many issues with it. Installation went fine, however no matter what I do with the settings, the changes do not seem to have any effect. Yes the system is activated and actions applied to all usergroups. Here are my two problems:
1. In Internet Explorer only (Firefox works fine) when I want to purchase credits, nothing happens after I input the amount and press Purchase. In Firefox I'm being redirected to Paypal correctly
2. I tried multiple settings how to charge a member in the forum and I was unable to setup the activity that would prevent the member from accessing the content. I tried "Content", "Views" and "Posts", nothing of which worked. Even after the actions were active, guests and members could freely access the selected forums without ever being asked for credits or refused viewing the content.

What I'm trying to do in my forum (the URL given is just a testing site) is there will be a section in it that would only be accessible to people who have certain amount of Credits. Sending posts in that part of forum will cost them Credits as well. For the life of me I was unable to do that. Can you please assist me? Thank you.

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I'm updating my post after spending a couple of days on trying to work out how things operate. Ignore my point #2. But the issue in Internet Explorer persists. In IE8 nothing happens when I select PURCHASE and hit SUBMIT button. Works fine in Firefox.
Sorry about the delay on your issue - I was actually in the middle of replying a couple days ago but had to leave suddenly, and then forgot to return >.<
I can't think of anything offhand that would be causing that, other than the javascript not working properly there? I did test in IE before release without any issues, but on stock vb style (was a few versions back though).
At any rate, will probably need ftp and admin acct PMd to debug for you, and I'm not sure how quickly it would take to fix. When you did it firefox, did transactions complete correctly at least? (just to confirm)

As for the charge-to-post thing, you probably have two events, a global one and a specific one. The way the system works is by picking the "best" option for the circumstances, and that usually means the global one trumps the specific one, so edit your global event and instead select every forum EXCEPT your special charging one, and that should make it work the way you intend. In the future I am trying to make it intelligently do that since this has come up a few times.
FTP access and forum admin access PM'd. The Paypal transaction in Firefox went fine, credit card has been charged and I was returned to the forums, however NO CREDITS were added after the purchase, so it was unsuccessful. This is a major bug and needs to be fixed promptly. I can't believe nobody has encountered this problem.
This product appears to be a mess. I just tried to purchase points right here in this forum and guess what? Doesn't work in Internet Explorer. So I tried to purchase 10 Points in Firefox and was able to make a payment, but after I returned to the forum all I received was this error:

Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.
DragonByte Tech Forums

Very nice. It would be appreciated if at least the support here worked the way it should. This is a commercial version of a software, not a freebie! I paid $89 and reported this bug 5 days ago and yet nothing is being done. I need to use the software on my site or look elsewhere for different solution. Surely it can't be that hard to fix. It doesn't add to your good reputation to what looks like a wonderful and professionally presented product suite for vBulletin. Thanks.
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This product appears to be a mess. I just tried to purchase points right here in this forum and guess what? Doesn't work in Internet Explorer. So I tried to purchase 10 Points in Firefox and was able to make a payment, but after I returned to the forum all I received was this error:

Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.
DragonByte Tech Forums

Very nice. It would be appreciated if at least the support here worked the way it should. This is a commercial version of a software, not a freebie! I paid $89 and reported this bug 5 days ago and yet nothing is being done. I need to use the software on my site or look elsewhere for different solution. Surely it can't be that hard to fix. It doesn't add to your good reputation to what looks like a wonderful and professionally presented product suite for vBulletin. Thanks.

This isn't a problem that has been reported before :(

I tested it myself and am also getting the error, however I can verify that was not the case when originally tested - it's likely something that has changed in a vBulletin version which has gone unnoticed and caused the problem.

The issue will be rectified this weekend by Darkwaltz4 (or you will received a full refund).

Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience.

Thank you very much for your response. I'd rather have it fixed than a refund so please keep us informed on the development. Hopefully it'll be fixed this weekend. Thanks again!
Any progress on this over the weekend guys? I really need this resolved or at least have some sort of idea WHEN it can be fixed. Pretty serious problem to be looked at promptly I believe.
Any progress on this over the weekend guys? I really need this resolved or at least have some sort of idea WHEN it can be fixed. Pretty serious problem to be looked at promptly I believe.

Since we were unable to resolve the issue in time i have refunded your purchase (you still have an active license) Darkwaltz4 should be on shortly to inform you about the progress of the issue
I will have this fixed by EOD...

peppies - i know youve already been refunded, but is the information you PMd me still active and is the addon still installed? If possible, I'd still like to use you for IE testing, as you might have a style problem unique to you (and I want to be certain on what caused your issues).

Also, just to make sure, your IPN settings need to be enabled and configured according to this:
Yes, the FTP and forum access is still active. Feel free to log in. How can this be my style specific problem when the issue is also present here in your forum using IE? Try Purchase points on using IE and you'll see nothing happens when you press "Submit".

Thank you for the refund.
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First fix for the urls Fillip H. noticed:

in credits.php find

                    exit( ($form AND $total) ? str_replace(array('payment_gateway', $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/' . $vbulletin->options['forumhome'] . '.php', $vbulletin->options['bburl']), array('credits', REFERRER_PASSTHRU, REFERRER_PASSTHRU), implode('|', $form)) : $vbphrase['credits_payment_failure'] );

replace with

                    exit( ($form AND $total) ? str_replace(array('payment_gateway', $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/' . $vbulletin->options['forumhome'] . '.php"', $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '"'), array('credits', REFERRER_PASSTHRU . '"', REFERRER_PASSTHRU . '"'), implode('|', $form)) : $vbphrase['credits_payment_failure'] );

still debugging on ie... discovering many bizarre things :-/
Small update, i tried it locally on b 4.0.8 and it worked just fine in IE. I heavily suspect something broke in the style for vb4.1 and could also explain why nobody has reported this if people are still on older versions of vb.

Upgrading localhost and will report back soon.
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