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Have similar problem like here -

Problem is not with top stats but problem is when save is not done immediately ... under game window mean ... must log out and wait ...some minutes or hour ... and after I see my last scores ... That is only in IE 9/10 FF is ok.

Auto threads (for highscores) is ok top 5 stats is also ok ...but not in arcade main page ... (IE 9/10)

In FF is ok on all pages and all actions.

Some help or solutions?


If you play a game in IE and save your score, do you see this score immediately when viewing the score page in FF?
Yes, in FF but not in IE.

More info -
I played one game (ibpro game) made score 50. Submitted score and see under game - Admin ...score 50. It is ok ...first play and first score. Click on forum tab ... check ... highscore thread stats fine .

Go again on arcade page ...start play same game ..made score 500 ... submitted score ... but under game I see ...Admin score 50 ....
Go on forum home ...thread is made and top stats is ok . (show new thread with 500 score).

Go again and play again same game ..made score 3000 ...submitted score ... comes under game ...Admin score 50 ....
Thread is made with score 3000...stats show thread ... now I log out from board .... wait 20 min ... come again and see my all scores...

Play again same game ... made 3500 ...come now all my scores under game but not last one. That is scenario in IE.

In FF works fine.



hope that I explain well ;)
I have added a potential hotfix to the XML file for vBArcade v2.0.2. Please re-download the product and re-import the XML file (no file uploads needed) and let me know if the issue appears to be fixed :)
I have added a potential hotfix to the XML file for vBArcade v2.0.2. Please re-download the product and re-import the XML file (no file uploads needed) and let me know if the issue appears to be fixed :)

Will test now and will write back.

Thanks and regards

No..same like was before ... first score is ok..but second (higher) shows not ..

imported product and overwrite ...wait long time and get message to continue to merge templates and clock and come to arcade import games ...


Then this is a cache issue in IE10 that I probably won't be able to resolve, sorry :(

I'll keep this open so it's in the system.
Then this is a cache issue in IE10 that I probably won't be able to resolve, sorry :(

I'll keep this open so it's in the system.

No problem ... will live with that ...but why product importing (last one - new downloaded) take me to import games and not to merge templates when I click to continue to merge templates?

And also one strange thing ... some games just flash...and flash ...same games what I played before ... can not start " mean button play game" just disappear and start flash intro from beginning ...could played before ..but some games works fine ... can play ..but they save just first score ...


Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying. Are you saying that since the change, certain games are unplayable?

I've undone the hotfix in the release package so you can follow the instructions again to get the old version of the templates back.
Yes, some games are unplayable ... but some games work fine ...and I do not know is that upgrade (hotfix) what cause that... you can test if you want problems ...and "destroy" test site .... no problems ...
I have only 18 games in "misc" category what is IBPROArcade games (tar) and I test only with them...
I will make more tests ...


I made more tests and must say that arcade - scores work in IE10 but I must every time change (use F12) to Document: standarder and scores work ...if is it I9 Standarder - works not immediately ...



In FF problems
The page should be rendered in IE10 standards mode anyway. There's a setting in the AdminCP to force internet explorer to render in the latest version, try turning that on :)
But now have problem with game picture (maybe that causes your last fix ha)

Attach picture that you can see how is small ...and unusual ...




  • arcade_1.webp
    28.5 KB · Views: 0
Fillip H. have you some solution ... should I disable IE render in admincp and manually change every time when play game or is some possibility to get game-play picture normal like was before (IE render disabled)?


I've not been able to work out why that happens - there's nothing in the code that indicates that it should render that small. It very much seems like a bug in IE from my standpoint.

Seems like you may have to decide between what's worse, the small window or the delay on displaying scores in IE.
Thanks... made more tests ..played games and in both solutions problems sometimes with score in IE ...

FF works perfect.


I've added a workaround for the issue in the attached picture in post 16, if you re-download v2.0.2 and re-import the XML file it should work with the Latest IE Mode setting turned on.
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