Recent content by art4edu

  1. art4edu

    Question Category in upper link

    Plz see the pic pic
  2. art4edu

    Question Category in upper link

    Hi When I click to view image, the Category associated with the image does not appear in the upper link haw can i show the Link
  3. art4edu

    Question Photopost Gallery Import

    Thank you I fixed it my prefix by RENAME TABLE As RENAME TABLE pps_board TO pp_board; And working in transferring photos An additional 2 question Is there a translation for the files? Are all images transferred to only one folder or there is an option to specify the size of the images in a...
  4. art4edu

    Question Photopost Gallery Import

    Hi I install the Image Gallery provided by DragonByte Gallery v1.3.4 (Lite) in order to test and trying its work before purchasing i have the photopost install in the same database But the beginning of the tables is different as pps_settings This may be the reason why it does not appear in...