Recent content by blood2k

  1. B

    Pending 'Thank you' button or something to show appreciation?

    Manually locating donors and sending thank-you messages can sometimes be tedious. Would it be worth creating a 'Thank You' button in the donation log? This button, when clicked, could send a notification to the donor confirming their donation has been received. The notification could function...
  2. B

    Bug 'Please Enter A valid Value'

    That fixed it.
  3. B

    Bug 'Please Enter A valid Value'

    Just updated, I will report back.
  4. B

    Bug 'Please Enter A valid Value'

    How do I fix this bug? When a user donates for example $100 I have to confirm it in my control panel, when I go to confirm > submit > i get this error below. The only way I've figured how to fix it is add .01 to the amount so it'll be $100.01. But then the user messages me asking, what's up...
  5. B

    Question All Donations need confirmation?

    Hello, How come donations need to be confirmed all of a sudden? I have to manually go into donations logs and click "confirm" I sometimes see greyed-out donation attempts from the SAME person numerous times. But then I crosschecked with PayPal and I see they only sent 1 donation. Any idea why...
  6. B

    Question How to exclude a specific payment profile from showing up on the list?

    Can't believe I never seen that setting! Thank you
  7. B

    Question How to exclude a specific payment profile from showing up on the list?

    I have 2 Payment profiles set up, one is USD and another is a custom credit using DragonByte, but I don't want this custom credit payment profile to show on the donation box where it asks to choose your donation currency. I just want it to show USD in there, how can I do this? People are...
  8. B

    Question Display a specific currency in HTML

    Is there a way through HTML that I can call a specific currency name + quantity to show? On a custom page I want to show a little "wallet" of my own and I want it to only pull the name and quantity of a specific currency I specify. Is there a direct hardcode HTML for this?
  9. B

    Bug Multiple bugs with credits > 2Billion

    My setup is pretty crazy, I agree. Thank you though.
  10. B

    Bug Multiple bugs with credits > 2Billion

    Issue #1. I can not give users more than 2,147,483,647 credits on my forum. Any idea why? Such a random number. Is this a hardcoded limit? I dont remember setting any limit to my credits. I even checked CP, there is no maximum to the amount of credits that can be owned. ( P.S I don't know why we...
  11. B

    Pending Seeing total banked credits of a user?

    Is there a way to see a users banked credits? I have a few claiming their whole banked credit amount just vanished overnight. & I have no logs showing this happening, or any steal attempts. I just want to be able to see what's in a users bank.
  12. B

    Bug Alerts bug/issue ??

    Today I randomly have this issue when clicking the alerts bell icon: It started happening randomly. The only thing I remember doing differnt today is I created a new currency, assigned an event to it, earned like 5 credits making a post.. and ultimately decided I would just delete that...
  13. B

    Bug Dragonbyte credit # not reflecting proper wallet # when hover.

    Update: My credits were renamed by an administrator, I wasnt aware of. That is what's causing these issues. I'll come back after I re-do this addon.
  14. B

    Bug Dragonbyte credit # not reflecting proper wallet # when hover.

    Hi there, Having an issue with Dragonbyte, Iuse Xenforo v2.1 and I have your most recent DB credits addon. When hovering over users names it usually displays the users credits there but it seems to be glitching lately. I have a Wallet sidebar widget that shows there being 0 credits in my...
  15. B

    Pending Custom CSS styling Username options

    Hey there, Is it possible to have a custom CSS styling option as a purchased item? We'd like to apply custom CSS styling to usernames but still inherit primary group colors. (Or maybe make it an option for it to inherit users primary group colors, or overwrite).