Thank you for the clarification on bulk purchases. I wasn't equating the word 'bulk' with 'cart total'.
Regarding bundles. Good to know. Thank you.
It looks like you have other tools with coupons and your Credits add-on that can be used to do something creative that has the same result as a...
Thank you.
We are excited to try something new with how we sell our products and like what you are offering here working with our Xenforo installation.
This issue is the most challenging for our customers. Other stores in our industry remember what they have purchased and they are used to...
Thank you.
I can live with the one by one selection but would like to know if there is any possibility this could become a feature? Our categories sometimes have hundreds of products in them.
Thank you. I guess that means we would have to enter our brokerage fee % into the commissions which is something we currently do not do. A different path to the same result?
" Automatic Discounts: Set up thresholds to create bulk purchase discounts without needing manual interaction. Never have to deal with bulk purchase queries again!"
Q - Product Presentation - This seems to be referring to someone buying multiple copies of one item. Can more than one product be...
Q - Cart - Does the store prevent a customer from adding more than one of the same digital product to the cart?
Q - Cart - Does the store remember that the customer has purchased a product already to prevent a duplicate purchase?
Thank you.
Coupons & Sales: Set up coupons that can be manually handed out to customers, with fine grained access controls. Alternatively, set up a sale that will automatically apply discounts to select products (and display a "Sale" banner on product list), as well as optionally emailing users when sales...
Product Commissions: Define certain users as receiving a percent of sales (not transmitted automatically), and see detailed reports of their outstanding commissions via the AdminCP.
Commission Information: If you give other people commissions for some of your products, you can allow them to view...