Recent content by bytrislasis

  1. bytrislasis

    Pending API support

    I was going to open more than one group, I took care of it by making arrangements, thanks. demo : Earn Crypto Currency
  2. bytrislasis

    Pending API support

    Is there support for creating new groups via API, and how can we achieve this?
  3. bytrislasis

    Bug Decimal Problem

    Even though I set all the decimal settings to 8 from scratch, it operates as 2. I've reinstalled it over and over from the beginning, but the result is the same. What I want to do is display the full decimal, for example like 22.01452369. Credit system shop system
  4. bytrislasis

    Bug Decimal Problem

    Original amount alert amount problem problem I have 3 plugins installed. In your 'shop' and 'credit' plugins, there is decimal 8, but I'm still having issues. Can you help?
  5. bytrislasis

    Question How can I change the table?

    A user had asked on a website if we could modify the xf_user table, and the response they received was, "We only provide support to users who have purchased a license." I had purchased a license and asked the following question: "Can I modify the 'xf_user' table?" The response I received was...
  6. bytrislasis

    Question How can I change the table?

    thank you for the excellent support 0 problems
  7. bytrislasis

    Question How can I change the table?

    Is it possible to modify the 'xf_user' table? Can you provide assistance?"
  8. bytrislasis

    Bug Country Not Working

    add api key but not working?
  9. bytrislasis

    Question Pre-purchase question

    Members cannot sell. This is very sad. Plugin nice but not enough I hope you think ahead. Thank you
  10. bytrislasis

    Question Pre-purchase question

    Members can create private trade with each other Do you have a plug-in?
  11. bytrislasis

    Question Pre-purchase question

    I guess this plugin does not support Turkish?
  12. bytrislasis

    Question Pre-purchase question

    I understand but I will buy it again after 24 hours :)
  13. bytrislasis

    Question Pre-purchase question

    Really thanks for the info So, can the two do private trade directly with each other?
  14. bytrislasis

    Question Pre-purchase question

    I'm thinking of getting a lifetime license but is it licensed to the domain? Can I Change the Domain Name Later? Is the license given to the domain name? Xenforo