Recent content by Darkwaltz4

  1. Darkwaltz4

    Question Change the popup color

    Can you post a screenshot of what specifically you are wanting to change? Despite that though, I looked at the google maps API and it seems only limited styling is possible, and only through additional (and complex) API commands, so accomplishing this for you may not be possible.
  2. Darkwaltz4

    Bug Purchase Exploit

    I am still debugging this. It's a tricky scenario.
  3. Darkwaltz4

    Question Vbcredits Referral Activity Amounts Not Triggering

    Is the regular Registered Users usergroup set for Valid Referral Usergroup, or something else using a vb promotion?
  4. Darkwaltz4

    Question Usergroup can't play when payment set

    Can you paste here exactly what you put for the Alternate Points System setting? (case-sensitive)
  5. Darkwaltz4

    Bug Charge when edit post?

    Per word OR character (depending on what you set). This apply-negate-reapply chain happens whenever you edit a post, in case the word/character count changes. Future updates may hide this chain process due to the confusion you and others have experienced - though the math should total up...
  6. Darkwaltz4

    Question Browse and Moderate Logs - db error

    Repeat the steps from my previous post again, to get the hotfix with the patch for that one too :)
  7. Darkwaltz4

    Bug Browse and Moderate Logs - different credits amount in same page?!

    The top amount is the current amount, the bottom amount is a summation of the displayed transactions.
  8. Darkwaltz4

    Question Browse and Moderate Logs - db error

    I have hotfixed the product file which you can download from your member area at dbtech. You only need to upload the patched /admincp/credits_admin.php file to fix the error.
  9. Darkwaltz4

    Bug Browse and Moderate Logs - different credits amount in same page?!

    Have you or another admin modified the amounts directly through the vbcredits admin sections? Are you integrating vbcredits with any other addons? Both can affect the totals without reflecting them in the logs.
  10. Darkwaltz4

    Question Multiple threads created on new high scores

    Okay, I was able to reproduce this on one game - but not the first one I tried. I will need to put some debug code into the arcade files you are using to figure out the next step, but it seems the ftp account you sent me does not have access to your forum files. Can you update that and let me...
  11. Darkwaltz4

    Question Multiple threads created on new high scores

    Thanks for your patience with this - my first look through your site several days ago didnt turn up an obvious cause for this :( I'll be looking again soon.
  12. Darkwaltz4

    Bug trouble with install

    You are all set. I'm embarrassed to admit that it was a simple matter of setting your .htaccess file to readable, importing, then putting the permissions back. I apologize for the wait you have endured for this; thank you for your patience and continued support. If I can make this up to you...
  13. Darkwaltz4

    Question Multiple threads created on new high scores

    I'm having a look for you now
  14. Darkwaltz4

    Question Multiple threads created on new high scores

    Could you please create and PM me with a temporary FTP and AdminCP account? For security reasons, we recommend you create a new FTP account only for DBTech support, then disable or delete it after we have both confirmed the issue has been solved and there are no further issues. The same...
  15. Darkwaltz4

    Question Multiple threads created on new high scores

    Are all of your games primarily from the same scoring system? eg mochi, v3a, ibpro, etc ultimately i may need your ftp to figure this out.