Recent content by eTiKeT™

  1. E

    Bug Template error: [E_WARNING] A non-numeric value encountered

    Our problem has been solved with this update, thank you for your interest.
  2. E

    Bug Template error: [E_WARNING] A non-numeric value encountered

    No, I don't see any error, it just creates a log. Attached you will find the Turkish patch of the plugin. I also added the XenForo patch if needed.
  3. E

    Bug Template error: [E_WARNING] A non-numeric value encountered

    I did some tests because you thought the problem was with us. Definitely not with the themes. Whenever I visit a product, 2 logs are created. However, if I visit the product in English, there is no problem, but if I visit it in Turkish, it starts creating a log directly.
  4. E

    Bug Template error: [E_WARNING] A non-numeric value encountered

    I noticed something, maybe it will help you. When I enter any product, 2 logs are created.
  5. E

    Bug Template error: [E_WARNING] A non-numeric value encountered

    Template content. <xf:macro id="stars_circle" arg-rating="!" arg-count="{{ null }}" arg-text="{{ null }}" arg-rowClass="" arg-starsClass=""> <xf:css src="dbtech_ecommerce_rating_circle.less" /> <div class="rating-circle rating-{{ {$rating|number(1)} * 20 }} {{ $rating >= 2.5 ? '...
  6. E

    Bug Template error: [E_WARNING] A non-numeric value encountered

    Unfortunately, the error logs are still filling up.
  7. E

    Bug Template error: [E_WARNING] A non-numeric value encountered

    Hello again, Today I sold the product to a customer and installed it. The same error logs started to appear. I realized that this situation was not specific to me. ErrorException: Template error: [E_WARNING] A non-numeric value encountered...
  8. E

    Bug Template error: [E_WARNING] A non-numeric value encountered

    Strangely enough, I have never seen or received this error on the forum. It only appears in the Server error log area of the admin panel. And it comes continuously without interruption. As you can see in the quote. I remembered the last changes I made, I haven't tested it yet but I added a new...
  9. E

    Bug Template error: [E_WARNING] A non-numeric value encountered

    I've been getting this error constantly lately. ErrorException: Template error: [E_WARNING] A non-numeric value encountered internal_data/code_cache/templates/l3/s92/public/dbtech_ecommerce_rating_macros.php:23 #0...
  10. E

    Question Integration of two plugins

    You are a legend, thank you. Let me convey this to the customer, and if they approve, I will purchase the licenses. Also, when will you update the eCommerce system for XF 2.3, Do you have a plan?
  11. E

    Question Integration of two plugins

    Hello, I am writing to you on behalf of a client of mine. If it works the way we want, we will purchase licenses for both plugins. Can the points and money earned in this add-on be spent on the following add-on...
  12. E

    Question eCommerce, alternative solution for payment system

    Right now, yes, we have an alternative that we can use, I just thought of it for a different process.Thank you for the explanation.
  13. E

    Question eCommerce, alternative solution for payment system

    Hello, happy new year. I have the DragonByte eCommerce system. I need information about a problem I have. Most of the payment systems in Turkey do not support xenforo, so we add licenses to the profiles manually by taking payments through links. We have to send the payment link via DM...