Recent content by IFireflyl

  1. IFireflyl

    Bug Error opening database file

    The issue was apparently with old Member Map files. When I uninstalled the addon before, I only did so through my forum itself by clicking Uninstall. I then deleted the internal_data/code_cache/dbtechMemberMap folder, but I didn't delete any of the other folders (js/DBTech/MemberMap, or...
  2. IFireflyl

    Bug Error opening database file

    "Invalid license key" is the only thing the file says. And it's only 20 bytes. Which doesn't make sense because I've copied the license key directly from the Max Mind site and saved it in a text file. It's the same key that Max Mind generated for me.
  3. IFireflyl

    Bug Error opening database file

    Have you had any luck looking into this? I tried uninstalling the Member Map, deleting the internal_data/code_cache/dbtechMemberMap folder, and then re-installing the Member Map. I still get the same error when I re-install, set up my Google Maps and Max Mind license keys, and then run the CRON...
  4. IFireflyl

    Bug Error opening database file

    I have done that. The key is populated, and it's been several hours so it's not the issue where it needs 5 minutes to update on the MaxMind side. I've sent you photos of my settings via PM. I'm sure you aren't going to try to do anything unscrupulous with the info. :D
  5. IFireflyl

    Bug Error opening database file

    Hello. I am getting the following server log ever every 10 minutes or so after installing the latest Member Map (2.3.8): MaxMind\Db\Reader\InvalidDatabaseException: [MemberMap] Invalid GeoIp2 database: Error opening database file...
  6. IFireflyl

    Vbullletin 5

    I converted from vBulletin 4.2.5 to Xenforo 2.1.4 and it's the best decision I could have made. Yes, it's a learning curve. Yes, it's 100% worth it. Xenforo is better than vBulletin. There's a reason why vBulletin 5.x is installed on less than 1,500 websites. Compare that to vBulletin 4.x which...
  7. IFireflyl

    Implemented User Tagging Permissions

    Currently the User Tagging add-on provides permissions for members in a certain usergroup to tag usergroups. I am wondering if there is a way to also add permissions for tagging individual users. For example, if you're a new member we may restrict you from being able to use user tagging, but one...
  8. IFireflyl

    RPG/Battle System Add-on

    That makes complete sense. If I had $20,000 with nothing to do with it I'd fund this myself, lol. Thanks for getting back with me, though.
  9. IFireflyl

    RPG/Battle System Add-on

    Just to be clear, I checked out that Forumon RPG mod you were referring to, and that is far more advanced (it looks like) than with anything I was suggesting. In that picture it looks like you're able to decide what commands you use. The system I'm referring to would solely be using the...
  10. IFireflyl

    RPG/Battle System Add-on

    I remember on vBulletin and Invision Power Board there used to be RPG/level mods/add-ons that were pretty cool. Everything you did would add to an experience bar. You had stats that were tied to your level, and when you leveled up you became stronger. There were also items you could purchase to...
  11. IFireflyl

    Question Transaction History

    I'm a moron. I forget that by default Xenforo doesn't have the moderator permissions displayed for normal user groups, so when I did a search (Ctrl+F) for "View any transaction log entry" I didn't find it because the panel that contained that entry was collapsed. That answers my question. You...
  12. IFireflyl

    Question Transaction History

    Can you tell me where you're seeing that exactly? I'm in user group permissions and there is no "View any transaction log entry" setting. This is on Xenforo 2.1.4.
  13. IFireflyl

    Question Transaction History

    I can't find any setting for who has access to the transaction history. Is this something that everyone can view? This may end up moving from a Question to a Feature Request, but I would like transaction history to only show the history for that user, not everyone else's history. Ideally this...
  14. IFireflyl

    Bug PHP Errors During Install

    I would love to do that, but they said that with shared hosting they can't increase it. They're forcing me to go to VPS hosting (way more expensive) or leave it the way that it is.
  15. IFireflyl

    Bug PHP Errors During Install

    Can you tell me how to manually uninstall this? As in, what files do I need to delete, and what database entries do I need to delete? The add-on is at least partially installed, but I can't uninstall it from the add-on section as it never completed, so in the add-on section it only gives the...