Recent content by JordanH

  1. JordanH

    Pending 1 active item at a time

    I am in need of a way for when multiple items of a certain item type is purchased, that only 1 be active at a time. Currently, someone can have several items activated and it really messes up some CSS.
  2. JordanH

    Implemented New Item: Avatar Border Color

    I second this. I want to do avatar frames as well. (Not just colour or css, but possible images) I got it somewhat working on my forum using DragonByte shop, by using some sneaky CSS hacks, but not ideal.
  3. JordanH

    Question Changing Alert Images?

    Hey @dfarmer2001 I answered this question for you on the XenForo forums:
  4. JordanH

    Bug Credits not Accumulating

    Original thread here: Thread was closed? It was never answered. Yea I "fixed" the issue, but that is a bandaid and the root cause isn't fixed. Users can't accumulate currency when the "Dissallow negative currency" option...
  5. JordanH

    Question Subscription payment DragonByte Credits

    Yea, I found it now thank you. Originally couldn't find that little "Change update duration" link. Maybe make that a bit more clear :P
  6. JordanH

    Question Subscription payment DragonByte Credits

    I would like to buy the lifetime option for my products. Is it available to a product that has expired? Or will I need to renew first then buy lifetime?
  7. JordanH

    Bug Credits Not Accumulating

    I think I fixed the issue: I had set it so the currency can't go in the negative (To prevent people from buying stuff without actually having the currency) and that's when this started to occur. After I put it back to "Allow negative display" the currency started to accumulate again.
  8. JordanH

    Bug Credits Not Accumulating

    Currently having an issue on one of my forums with the credits not accumulating. Basically they user will "earn" the credit, but the balnce will not increase. It will just overwrite the previous balance and enter whatever the current earning was. See screenshot below:
  9. JordanH

    Bug Errors

    Yup. That was it. On a product that was archived some time ago, so didn't think to update the currency.
  10. JordanH

    Bug Errors

    Every time someone visits the shop we get this error: It comes in 3's This is the trace: #0 [internal function]: XF\Template\Templater->handleTemplateError(512, '[E_USER_WARNING...', '/home/refefzmh/...', 1177) #1 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(1177): trigger_error('Cannot call met...', 512)...
  11. JordanH

    Bug Members not being credited & credits mysteriously disappearing

    This. It's clear this wasn't an isolated issue if it had happened to several people.
  12. JordanH

    Question Logging credits

    Except it wasn't logged. That was the issue. (Without any other addons) Users had their currency dropped out of no where, with no log behind it. Now, it only happened the one time upon updating the addon so Im hoping it was a one and done.
  13. JordanH

    Bug Members not being credited & credits mysteriously disappearing

    After looking through the logs, and reading some of the changes to the addon, it seems the maximum earned was edited to be like a "rolling" event. Why was this changed? Theres to many issues with this type of system instead of it just resetting say at midnight.
  14. JordanH

    Bug Members not being credited & credits mysteriously disappearing

    So the missing credits hasn't happened since the initial topic creation after we have done some backups and restored some credits. However, users still aren't being able to reach their daily limit before they are getting skipped over for "maximum applications" is applied. @Fillip H. could you...
  15. JordanH

    Pending Credits total

    I second this. Would be nice to know even if it's in the ACP the total credits currently in the system. Most other credit addons have this.