Recent content by JoyFreak

  1. JoyFreak

    Pending User title ladder promotions using credits

    Did this ever get implemented?
  2. JoyFreak

    Bug DragonByte Credits: Rebuild transactions

    I think I figured it out. I had to delete the data and set currencies to 0 when rebuilding. I think the credit amount now looks right for users. However, say if there was a period where you doubled the credits because of an event, i.e. Christmas, would the double amount be rebuild or is it based...
  3. JoyFreak

    Bug DragonByte Credits: Rebuild transactions

    Every time I rebuild it, it seems to always change the amount of credits a user has. It's very strange. This shouldn't do that. It should only rebuild the data rather than changing it every time. I feel like the values are all incorrect and now my users all have an unfair disadvantage. I'm not...
  4. JoyFreak

    Bug DragonByte Credits: Rebuild transactions

    Hi, I ran this earlier and it changed the number of credits my users have. I also ran this after "DragonByte Credits: Rebuild balances" and found that it changed it once more. Deducted the credits. So I ran "DragonByte Credits: Rebuild transactions" and it brought it back up. But it seems to...
  5. JoyFreak

    Pending Remove "Search items" tab on search page

    Hi, where can I look to remove the search items tab?
  6. JoyFreak

    Bug Item icon

    Now, I have to reupload all the images again from adding them previously, in case they've been slightly cropped as I didn't notice until this one image I uploaded, the hat.
  7. JoyFreak

    Bug Item icon

    That worked perfectly. Thank you!
  8. JoyFreak

    Bug Item icon

    Just wondering when this will be released? So I can start adding the icons in.
  9. JoyFreak

    Bug Item icon

    Ok. I will test this out and see how it works. I kind of get the idea but will need to see it for myself to understand it.
  10. JoyFreak

    Bug Item icon

    There's no need to change it then if it's going to break it for everybody. Can you tell me where to look so I can change it for myself? Thanks.
  11. JoyFreak

    Bug Item icon

    I think if it were me, I would have had them both, height and width set at auto, so it displays as is and set the dimensions via CSS, allowing us to set how big or small we want the icon, rather than fixating those values which then leads to cropping.
  12. JoyFreak

    Bug Item icon

    It also seems like the 192x192 cannot be changed and it's the default dimensions for this add-on. Setting the "Maximum item icon dimensions" changes the icons dimensions across all places. No idea what to do in this case other than edit the image and add padding, which I'm gonna find very...
  13. JoyFreak

    Bug Item icon

    So there isn't a way for me other than editing the image itself?
  14. JoyFreak

    Bug Item icon

    Why is that though? Is there not a way that doesn't require me to edit the image and rather just upload it without it cropping? If i were to upload the image as an avatar, it wouldn't crop? Shouldn't it be the same?