Recent content by KristerSwe

  1. KristerSwe

    Legacy My Listing Activities Box

    An idea i was play with in photoshop ... Could be a cool feature ;)
  2. KristerSwe

    Legacy Block style instead of naked boxes

    My idea is to follow the skin settings more with the different blocks showing... my suggest is to set block style on following blocks. Forum home: (classifieds, Featured block... Classifieds home: on block ,Categories, Featured items, Classified block .. and have the small listing block...
  3. KristerSwe

    Legacy Listing in post or profile field !

    Could look like this and some option , profile, post align right or other cool places ...
  4. KristerSwe

    Bug Edit listing not working in admin !

    When try to edit a listing for ended option seems not working properly... (beta 10) Not sure how its work , when time is over for a listing it should turn to ended yes? is it possible to renew or make back to listing again after is ended ? If not ! = My suggest is to have renew listing...
  5. KristerSwe

    Bug Wrong URL in Admin

    Pics say it all ;) (Beta 10)
  6. KristerSwe

    How to get rid of register spammers !!

    Hello friends. was 4 month from site and when return to catch up on things i had more an 5000 who have register on site. (register spammers) How to get rid of that shit ?? Any suggest anyone ??
  7. KristerSwe

    Bug Images Covering Listing Titles

    does it work on your default skin ?? looks like an issue with the theme ... not sure :eek: Mokonzi may have the answer ..
  8. KristerSwe

    Bug Images Covering Listing Titles

    you may use this instead Charlie ;) ... replace them ..
  9. KristerSwe

    Hello Guy's :)

    Hello friends! Wanted to say hi to all of you guys. sorry for not have been around here this last year but life make us busy from time to time. Soon winter again and our summer was super and i got many many miles on bike as usual . i see som people have some request from me and i will try to...
  10. KristerSwe

    Question How do we get the different color packs for moods?

    Sorry , haven't been around for a while.. i did a huge mood pack for IPB a while ago . i will look if i still have them on disc. is soon winter again and time to put Bike in the garage to next summer ;) so i will get more time to help some here. Cheers ..... Here what i have done for IPB ...
  11. KristerSwe

    Question [DB Errors] You have an error in your SQL syntax

    Welcome. this happends sometimes on some mods if you using newer version of MySQL :) Glad it worked out for you . :)
  12. KristerSwe

    Download Beta #4

    Play some with tabs ... make suggs on tab icons ?
  13. KristerSwe

    Question [Image css] Another cool thingy

    You can do many cool things with just css settings. here another one i have test You get this to have this css values .cool-image { -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 4px rgba(0,0,0,1), inset 0 2px 1px rgba(255,255,255,.5), inset 0 -9px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.6), inset 0 -12px 2px rgba(255,255,255,.3)...
  14. KristerSwe

    Legacy More suggestions (design wise)

    My suggest is to move out all settings for the boxes Here i try with background Have settings like this for borders And like this for the background of box
  15. KristerSwe

    Legacy More suggestions (design wise)

    Here i changed the color of border and maked shadows smaller in pixels. think all settings could be moved out so users can play the way the want. i will talk to Dylan about it and see what happends.... Another idea to get rid of 50% text is to have a single line with text *Pic Info* like an...