Recent content by Magar

  1. Magar

    You don't have XF seo addon?

    hohoho. means 1/1 need filter? 😱
  2. Magar

    You don't have XF seo addon?

    oh really? then how to make forum link as f288? :LOL:
  3. Magar

    You don't have XF seo addon?

    I Don't see XF Seo addon, what about it?
  4. Magar

    Question Why sitemap error?

    As I can see it's daily duty to monitor dbseo. While this, when I click OPEN SITEMAP, page blank. Then I have a check in cpanel, the sitemap files still exist. My store_sitemap folder permission 777 What's wrong and how to prevent daily monitoring?
  5. Magar

    Question Why sitemap error?

    Yes, indeed contain URLs is okay.
  6. Magar

    Question Why sitemap error?

    No, its already set as 10000
  7. Magar

    Question Why sitemap error?

    When I click open sitemap, sitemap download ok.
  8. Magar

    Question Why sitemap error?

    Why I am getting this error?
  9. Magar

    Legacy Remove html comment

    Required feature as removing html comments enables/disable like vbseo exist this feature. Give extra options as User group permission to view html comments, because if it needs to admin to check the html comments, admin doesn't need to disable the option globally. It will be improved page...
  10. Magar

    Bug vb 4.2.5 and mobile style : no metas optimizations ?

    Yes, you can correct, so you need to hire someone or you can make the fix if you have knowledge. Everything possible with the mobile style.
  11. Magar

    Question about Bounced Mail List

    vBMail compatible with php 7.1 as well?
  12. Magar

    Question DBSEO Updates EOL?

    I hope new version will fix and come new features.
  13. Magar

    Question about Bounced Mail List

    Ok, can you explain to me how this list will be generated? If possible, kindly tell me how to test for example. Thanks in advance
  14. Magar

    Question about Bounced Mail List

    Hello, i have few questions for vbmail. - Bounced Mail List I did not see any Bounced Mail List generated, actually which emails will be generated in Bounced Mail List? Which is system mail sent, like admin email password reminder, user thread subscription emails? My settings: VBulletin...