Recent content by Maraschino Cherry

  1. M

    Vbulletin 6 mods?

    Wow that's absolutely abysmal.. I have been using VB for over a decade so it sucks having to migrate to a new system from what I know. In light of the fact that VB no longer offers lifetime updates for the forum software anymore like they did for 4 and 5, they are no different in cost from XF so...
  2. M

    Vbulletin 6 mods?

    With the changes in VB6 and the company pushing hard on the "extensive 3rd party developer community", have you guys given any thought into looking into the changes they made and potentially updating some of the classics from vb4 to 6 or starting active development for their systems again? I...
  3. M

    Question 404 error

    I tried looking through previous questions but nothing resolved the issue. After installing DBSEO on a clean vb4.2.5 installation, I followed the rules for .htaccess and for friendly URL's. After Setting this, I am getting a 404 error "The requested URL was not found on this server." when trying...
  4. M

    Bug Stuck on loading

    Now the site is completely dead. I get 500 error going on with and without the www. :( I contacted my server host and they said it's an error with the custom code and isnt written correctly, but they dont deal with that and can't help me.
  5. M

    Bug Stuck on loading

    The one on the root of my server says (without the quote marks): "RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain\.org RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L,QSA]" And the one in my vbulletin installation folder reads (also without quotes): "<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>...
  6. M

    Bug Stuck on loading

    I have 2 .htaccess files. one in the root of ny server and one in the folder vBulletin is installed in. Which one should I edit?
  7. M

    Bug Stuck on loading

    Sorry again for the late reply. I tried doing this and then the site would give a 500 error unless I put the "www." at the beginning of the URL when visiting the site.
  8. M

    Bug Stuck on loading

    I PM'd you the login details and gave you admin
  9. M

    Bug Stuck on loading

    Auto Idle is not enabled for any usergroup. (sorry for late reply, my internet was out for a few days)
  10. M

    Bug Stuck on loading

    (my homepage says I'm using 4.2.2, but i'm not. I reverted back after a failed upgrade. 4.2.1 PL1 shows in AdminCP) I have searched the forum for similar problems and none of the answers have helped me yet. I am having an issue among several web browsers where my site shows shoutbox that...
  11. M

    Bug Users can't register after installing this

    I restored to 4.2.1, for some reason it thinks it is still on 4.2.2. my local install of 4.2.1 does it as well on my wamp server. And no, it doesnt show up at all under edit profile.
  12. M

    Bug Users can't register after installing this

    Yes sir, it's working now. Thank you for your help :)
  13. M

    Bug Users can't register after installing this

    I think I fixed it, I set the option "private field" to "no"
  14. M

    Bug Users can't register after installing this

    yes. I am testing registration now I am still seeing: