Recent content by Maul

  1. M

    Question How to enable stealing

    That's strange I had that ticked all along and went to enable stealing again and it's working now. Weird.
  2. M

    Question How to enable stealing

    I've only got the shop addon (not the credits one) so how do I enable stealing as it says there's no currencies set for this? When I go into the currency options it shows that it's enabled.
  3. M

    Question Setting interest for bank

    Oh yeah I completely missed that part. Sorry for seeming stupid :o
  4. M

    Question Setting interest for bank

    Hi So currently for my forum the interest is 0% for my bank how do I change this please?
  5. M

    Pending Youtube in Profile

    Hi So you've got 'profile music' shop item how easy would it be to have a Youtube video in that instead?
  6. M

    Question Custom Item

    I guess no one replies.
  7. M

    Question Custom Item

    I've got a custom item called cat and it's 192x192px but it's showing so small in the post bit is there a way to make the icon bigger in post bit?
  8. M


    If I am wanting your shop and credits add-ons but for two different licenses can I purchase this under the one account or do I need to do two accounts?