Recent content by Movie Prop Sites

  1. Movie Prop Sites

    Question Undefined index

    It is not. Working on moving but we are several months out.
  2. Movie Prop Sites

    Question Undefined index

    When I click on the Member Map, it loads, but on the backend I am getting dozens of these errors. Thoughts? Error Info ErrorException: Undefined index: dbtech_membermap_lng - src/addons/DBTech/MemberMap/Action/Main.php:173 Generated By: xxx, Yesterday at 9:08 PM Stack Trace #0...
  3. Movie Prop Sites

    Implemented Groups

    We are moving toward XF2 ourselves and would be just as happy to have this as an XF2 addition.
  4. Movie Prop Sites

    Implemented Groups

    We are currently using "Crispin - User Map" on most of our sites. It is a great member map but unfortunately Crispin has fallen off the grid (map? ;)) and there is no XF2 replacement from him. We are looking to move to DB's map but there are some features we would really like to see added. The...
  5. Movie Prop Sites

    VB Events (vbulletin calendar: the great forgotten)

    This WOULD be great! Get on it... you know who you are!!!
  6. Movie Prop Sites

    Bug PM attachments still show up as attachments even after included inline.

    When adding an attachment to a post, if you don't add it inline, it shows up at the bottom of the post as an attachment. If you do add it inline it doesn't show up as an attachment. However, within PMs, if you add an attachment inline it shows up inline AND as an attachment as well. Not sure...
  7. Movie Prop Sites

    vbDownloads thumbnail request

    I understand the rationale behind why uploaded images marked as thumbnails show up in the downloads list, but I would really like to see an option to disable them from showing up as downloads. We upload a lot of non-image files and then upload a thumbnail to visiually represent the file, but...
  8. Movie Prop Sites

    Bug Thumbnails missing

    I set the picturestorage folder to 777... but I don't understand. Is there somewhere to regenerate the thumbnails?
  9. Movie Prop Sites

    Bug Thumbnails missing

    Just updated to 2.3.2 and all of my thumbnails disappeared... any idea how to restore them as we have 100s of files? 405th File Archive
  10. Movie Prop Sites

    Legacy Likes slow to change after click

    That is unfortunate, but understandable. Thanks for the response clearing it up.
  11. Movie Prop Sites

    Legacy Likes slow to change after click

    Maybe my expectations are unreasonable, but we use the Thanks/Like button like you would on Facebook (of course). With that in mind, when you click "LIKE" for a post, there is a considerable pause (1... possibly 2 seconds), before the like registers and the page refreshes to show you liked the...
  12. Movie Prop Sites

    Question Expired License Issue

    I believe I set the quantity to 2. Thanks for making the correction so quickly!
  13. Movie Prop Sites

    Question Expired License Issue

    I have two copies of vBOptmise and both have expired. Getting ready to upgrade to the latest, so I bought two lifetime upgrades. Unfortunately only one was applied. I am sure I blew it somewhere in the ordering process, but want to see if this can be fixed so I have lifetime upgrades on both...
  14. Movie Prop Sites

    Bug Mentions don't show up.

    Well, this is a mystery wrapped in an enigma. I mentioned in my last post that I downloaded the problem style, and uploaded it in my sandbox and it worked... So... I reuploaded the same style that was a problem to our live server, just named it differently... and now the mentions show up. I...
  15. Movie Prop Sites

    Bug Mentions don't show up.

    And because this wasn't confusing enough... I just downloaded our style from the live site, where the mention bbcode isn't rendering, and uploaded it to our test site.... and the bbcode renders there... However, on the live site, the bbcode renders under other styles... I am totally lost.