Recent content by Nicky Vermeersch

  1. Nicky Vermeersch

    Bug Progress bar broken when going over 100%

    Thread title is misleading, I thought it went over 100% but it is not.
  2. Nicky Vermeersch

    Bug Progress bar broken when going over 100%

    Hello, Im using veersion 4.0.0 I just got notified that the progress bar for the donation goal is broken, it looks like this on the page: and like this on the widget:
  3. Nicky Vermeersch

    Question Widget 'Your Donation' not working

    I upgraded from Xenforo 2.2.13 to 2.2.16 and now the widget works. It looks like it requires a minimum version of xenforo?
  4. Nicky Vermeersch

    Question Widget 'Your Donation' not working

    Yeah I checked that, we have everyone as "Registered" in the default primary group so everyone has permissions to view the donation list, even guests have. It doesn't show up. When I tried with the custom html widget posted on the forums here, it does show the data.
  5. Nicky Vermeersch

    Question Widget 'Your Donation' not working

    Hello, because people are asking how much they've donated, I noticed that there's a widget thats not enabled by default. However when enabling the widget and asking it to be shown in the the sidebar for both the drive as the overview sidebar it is not showing up. Do I need to do something else...
  6. Nicky Vermeersch

    Pending Better permission control and other suggestions

    Would it be possible to: - Add a permission so someone can see the 'donation drive history'? As in the people who've contributed to a goal, be them anonymous or not. Some people only wish for registered users or other donors to see who is donating, and do not wish for guests to see who donated...
  7. Nicky Vermeersch

    Question Rebuild Top Donors, donation statistics?

    Hello, I imported the donations from ThemeHouse, but I noticed that the widget for the 'Top Donors' only updates/updated when someone made a donation. It seems the recalculation of the user total only happens when the user donates. Is there a way to force update this manually?
  8. Nicky Vermeersch

    Bug XF2: Importer from Audentio to Dragonbyte

    It was pretty stupid, another user who could not be found with the userid. Replaced it and now its working!
  9. Nicky Vermeersch

    Bug XF2: Importer from Audentio to Dragonbyte

    Yeah, when going to page 24 the following page is displayed with an error:
  10. Nicky Vermeersch

    Bug XF2: Importer from Audentio to Dragonbyte

    The plugin seems to be doing its work, processing seems to take place as well. However from time to time (about once a day) I get this error: Server error log LogicException: Cannot instantiate XF:User (XFRM\XF\Entity\User) without primary key values src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Manager.php:690...
  11. Nicky Vermeersch

    Bug XF2: Importer from Audentio to Dragonbyte

    The never ending cycle of a program's life :P
  12. Nicky Vermeersch

    Bug XF2: Importer from Audentio to Dragonbyte

    I just did rebuild (assume it does caches and the addon data) and removed the 'update lock'. Tested it with another donation and received this in the modal screen: ErrorException: [E_WARNING] in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in...
  13. Nicky Vermeersch

    Bug XF2: Importer from Audentio to Dragonbyte

    Just reuploading, not reinstalling? I can do that
  14. Nicky Vermeersch

    Bug XF2: Importer from Audentio to Dragonbyte

    Pfew slowly getting there lol. Addon looks to be working, import worked, but when trying to do a donation with Stripe I receive:
  15. Nicky Vermeersch

    Bug XF2: Importer from Audentio to Dragonbyte

    Allright. I will try that. Also do you have any idea how to get rid of the 'import is complete'? The page keeps showing up after I reinstalled DBDonate edit: never mind. That table was empty and pressing complete didn't seem to break anything :P