Recent content by noble_man

  1. noble_man

    Question Licenses

    Thanks Fillip :)
  2. noble_man

    Question Licenses

    As I said, the site chatbanter with that email is no longer active. I just finished moving servers myself
  3. noble_man

    Question Licenses

    That's the one I have been using. I'm not sure where this account came from. Today, when I went to log in, it kept saying the wrong password, so I reset it and logged in here. The only other email besides this one I'm on would have been a chatbanter email, which I don't have ATM
  4. noble_man

    Question Licenses

    and my username was noble_man
  5. noble_man

    Question Licenses

    This is the only account I've used that I can remember
  6. noble_man

    Question Licenses

    Oct 4, 2022, I believe, was the one.
  7. noble_man

    Question Licenses

    I have had them for a few years; look back at my history ...........Email and it would have been Paypal,
  8. noble_man

    Question Licenses

    Hello, I just noticed both my lifetime licenses, Shop, and credits are missing from here; I think this was from the cyber panel incident.any idea when they will be back on my account?
  9. noble_man

    Question Shop Custom Item

    That would be great.
  10. noble_man

    Question Shop Custom Item

    Any chance to get an answer on this?
  11. noble_man

    Question Shop Custom Item

    I want to set up a custom item in the shop so it's giftable to another member and create a thread for it. I have that working however it's only showing the item name and the receivers name in the thread, I would like to also show the senders name in the thread, I have messed with the custom...
  12. noble_man

    Bug Configure Notifications Not Working

    I'm having the same issue, not working at all?
  13. noble_man

    Bug Server Error

    well it looks like the errors are now gone, nothing since yesterday.
  14. noble_man

    Bug Server Error

    Thanks for the investigation and fix, would love to try your ticket addon
  15. noble_man

    Bug Server Error

    Ok i see i have two today not sure if they help Server error log ErrorException: Value global_display_values cannot be serialized. src/XF/Error.php:77 Generated by: Unknown account Dec 16, 2021 at 12:04 AM Stack trace #0 src/XF.php(218): XF\Error->logError('Value global_di...'...