Im sorry I been trying for hours to figure this out, maybe I'm missing something. I set the callback as "DBTech_Shop_Memberships_monthly::OneMonthSupporter" and I created a file under the location "/library/DBTech/Shop/Memberships/monthly.php" in that file I have this:
class monthly
I want to update an external database when a certain item is purchased with points, I know I can probably achieve this with the item's callback function but how exactly does one go about using that? Xenforo 1.5.4 btw
I plan on updating to 2.1 at some point but if I can get everything working on 1.5 I don't see a point yet but maybe when I can afford it I will. It turns out its because my [bd] Widget Framework was outdated thank you very much :)
I am running Xenforo 1.5.4 and php 5.6.40 and the installation went well, after that i created a shop in the ACP, I accessed the shop index page then went to enter the default shop and the shop I created, both give me this error upon clicking them
An exception occurred: Cannot load class using...