They are probably technical banners, but you can change how they are displayed in the settings. It is always the same image file.
A few examples:
sidebar: Avatar
main: none
sidebar: small banner
main: small banner
sidebar: none
main: large banner
(For the overview list there is...
Hello, is it possible during import, that the banners from OzzModz Social Groups become the icon in DragonByte Social Groups?
In my settings I have previously used the square view in the overview, which means that after importing the image is now only displayed in the banner and the icon is...
You are right, if I disable Snog the error "Accessed unlimited getter 'groupid'" no longer appears.
However, the error remains that the first post in each discussion is still missing. ("Preserve Content IDs" makes no difference when importing, except that the posts have different numbers.)...
Maybe they were using older versions. I have everything up to date.
The only other hint I can give is that when opening the Snog groups, "Accessed unknown getter 'text_direction' " and "Accessed unknown getter 'language_code' " errors are thrown every time.
Alternatively, I can export the...
The user still exists.
We have over 250 groups with over 1000 discussions. It happens to everyone. I have already converted the data three times with the same result that the first post in a discussion disappears.
The "import_log_snogsocialgroups" also looks correct. 14777 is the post from...
No, PAGE_CONTAINER is unedited. (I make changes to this with my own add-on)
There is also no difference with the standard design or if I deactivate the PAGE_CONTAINER changes in all add-ons.
I imported the data from [OzzModz] Advanced Forms 2.2.5 Patch Level 1. After that, the first post is missing in all discussions and I get an error message in the admin panel when opening the discussions.
InvalidArgumentException: Accessed unknown getter 'groupid' on...