Recent content by Sbenny

  1. S

    Implemented [CHARGE=X] BBCodes and Content charge supported outside the forum threads, (XFRM and other add-ons)

    As per title, I'm posting it here in order to not lost its tracks. The ideal would be being able to replace the download button in XFRM with a charge bbcode, but if it's not feasible, simply adding the ability to parse the CHARGE bbcode in the description of a resource will do the trick, thanks!
  2. S

    Implemented Let users download resources by using their DBTech Credits

    I'm replying to not close this thread, as I'd like to keep this open in the hope a feature like the one I requested will be available, sooner or later, thank you.
  3. S

    Implemented Let users download resources by using their DBTech Credits

    Not going to advertise anyone, but so far all the add-ons I found aren't capable of keeping a percentage for each sale, if you know any others, could you kindly let me know?
  4. S

    Implemented Let users download resources by using their DBTech Credits

    Thanks Fillip H. any plans for a feature similar to what the CHARGE bbcode does, but for the Resources Manager? Thanks again
  5. S

    Implemented Let users download resources by using their DBTech Credits

    Hi dear Fillip, 1. Doesn't it mean users will have a fixed event price for each download? The difference is that with the charge bbcode (for example), users could define a different price for each release, that's why I ask. 2. Any existing add-ons capable of this? I'm probably unaware of...
  6. S

    Implemented Let users download resources by using their DBTech Credits

    It's a very wanted feature, I'd like to know if I could keep my hopes high or not for a feature which would integrate DBTech Credits/Shop with the Xenforo Resource Manager (or another possible alternative, if any) to let users download a resource by using their dbtech credits. Thank you all...
  7. S

    Bug Can't use BBCodes in Event Trigger Description for "Purchase" events

    Don't panic, my friend, we're all in Holiday Mode during this period of the year, hehe :) By the way, happy holidays! :P
  8. S

    Bug Can't use BBCodes in Event Trigger Description for "Purchase" events

    It happens if you place the CHARGE bbcode inside other bbcodes, but if you use bbcodes inside the CHARGE tag, it works fine :) We're talking about the .-Stripped Content-. thingy, right? :p Basically: |BBCODES| |CHARGE| CONTENT |/CHARGE| |/BBCODES| won't work, but |CHARGE| |BBCODES| CONTENT...
  9. S

    Bug Can't use BBCodes in Event Trigger Description for "Purchase" events

    I'm talking about the "Purchase" event, not the "Content" event. The Purchase event isn't related to the CHARGE bbcode, but to the ability to buy DBTech Credits with real money. Furthermore, your previous statement isn't correct, I can freely use BBCodes inside the CHARGE tags.
  10. S

    Bug Can't use BBCodes in Event Trigger Description for "Purchase" events

    As title says, the description says you can use BBcodes but I tried both HTML and bbcodes and nothing worked, they're displayed as plain elements: <b> or [b] for example, so they're not rendered I guess.
  11. S

    Pending Tweaks for the DB Tech Credits criteria to include Banked credits

    Hi there, as suggested on the official Xenforo forum, I'm reaching you out to remind/ask if it would be possible to include two new separate criteria: • User has fewer/more than X DBTech Credits in total (including those stored in the bank) • User has fewer/more than X DBTech Credits in the...
  12. S

    Implemented Display all content unlocked via Charge button [heavily requested by users]

    That's awesome! Thank you so much for taking it into consideration! I'm sure everyone will love this addition!
  13. S

    Duplicate Watching Video Ads to get Credits

    Many users asked if it would be possible to implement a way for them to get credits for watching video ads. I could find some advertising networks for it, but if this add-on had a way to implement this solution nicely, it would be great!
  14. S

    Implemented Display all content unlocked via Charge button [heavily requested by users]

    It's at least the 15th request I receive by users about this matter, so I guess it should be something important enough to bring to your attention. Many users are asking if there's a possibility for them to check which content/thread they unlocked charged content with their credits. I told...