Recent content by sharma

  1. sharma

    Bug Language Encoding issue

    After requesting the fix, my forum URL been changed without my consent! which is damaging the indexed pages and thousands of not found errors in GWT. If it this a different mod then you can say you don';t aware of that! but its a SEO mod exclusively developed for VB SEO purpose and then you...
  2. sharma

    Bug Language Encoding issue

    1) Oops. 2) Yep, it's working fine now. 3) Understand.
  3. sharma

    Bug Language Encoding issue

    I just pm'd you the credentials.
  4. sharma

    Bug Language Encoding issue

    Hi, Language: Search Engine Friendly Page Updated : Still, I'm having the same problem. Example, 1) This is test page which i created in Tamil Language and its showing strange URL instead of vanity URL, Check : 2) User name...
  5. sharma

    Bug Language Encoding issue

    UTF-8 , Please check :
  6. sharma

    Bug Language Encoding issue

    Yes, Please check : and
  7. sharma

    Bug Language Encoding issue

    Hi, Refer Thread: Sorry for the delay, since i was travelling! Now, we have two issues. 1) Search results not redirecting to the respective links, instead its redirecting to the homepage. 2) Foreign...
  8. sharma

    Bug Several Bugs in Forum URL rewrites

    When i change to " Keep Non-Latin Characters " the forum links are not working.. when you click any links it's not working.
  9. sharma

    Bug Several Bugs in Forum URL rewrites

    Yes, Please check attachments
  10. sharma

    Bug Several Bugs in Forum URL rewrites

    Hi, I'm facing multiple issues with URL rewrites such as. 1) Unicode isn't supported ( Tamil and Sinhala language isn't turn on as URL) 2) Search not working when DBseo enabled and its working fine if i disable DBseo plugin. 3) Thread URL's not redirecting to the exact page, but redirecting to...
  11. sharma

    Product Feature Enhancement Suggestion for DB SEO

    Hi, Already enjoying this mod and it works well, I would like to suggest you few feature enhancement ( example ) and appreciate if you can consider with you next product update. 1) Schema : If possible give us a feature to add extensive open Graph, Twitter card, Google Schema and Micro data (...
  12. sharma

    Question Multiple Questions About The Version 2.0.37

    Hi, The problems resolved, Thanks for your prompt support.
  13. sharma

    Question Multiple Questions About The Version 2.0.37

    Just sent you via PM.
  14. sharma

    Question Multiple Questions About The Version 2.0.37

    Hi, 1) I've updated the link on the same thread, Please check now. 2) Yes, I've downloaded the PRO version and installed it as fresh copy ( Uninstalled the Lite version that i had already), Still the branding remaining as it is. 3) Understand. 4) I've updated the screencast link in t my original...
  15. sharma

    Question Multiple Questions About The Version 2.0.37

    HI, I've multiple questions about the Dragonbyte SEO PRO - 2.0.37. 1) Google Analytics and Webmaster Authentication isn't functioning in PRO, but it worked very well with Lite version. Please check this screencast ...