Recent content by skyline.

  1. skyline.

    Pending Ability to attach images to items

    I noticed we can't upload any attachments when creating new items for the shop. The editor allows us to embed an image through linking, but no attchments. It would be beneficial to allow attachments. Thanks for considering this.
  2. skyline.

    Bug Adjust credits does not work

    Installed, and confirming this has been fixed. Thank you for the quick resolving.
  3. skyline.

    Bug Adjust credits does not work

    The Adjust settings (which hasn't changed ever since setting it up while everything worked perfectly):
  4. skyline.

    Bug Adjust credits does not work

    We offer a service where people can order services. After completion, a certain amount of credits is deducted. My staff member said the deductions were not going through. Using the "Adjust" button. After inspecting and doing it myself, I can confirm the adjustments are not going through. There...
  5. skyline.

    Bug Error: Call to a member function getProperty() on null src/XF/Template/Templater.php:2570

    Hi, I've seen this error a couple of times, thought I'd let you know. :) Error: Call to a member function getProperty() on null src/XF/Template/Templater.php:2570 Generated by: Unknown account Jul 30, 2024 at 9:50 PM Stack trace #0 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(2462)...
  6. skyline.

    Bug resourceupload

    Great news, thank you!
  7. skyline.

    Bug resourceupload

    When I wanted to post a resource, this came up: Oops! We ran into some problems. InvalidArgumentException: Event trigger handler for 'resourceupload' does not exist: DBTech\Credits\EventTrigger\XFRM\UploadHandler in src/addons/DBTech/Credits/Repository/EventTriggerRepository.php at line 59...
  8. skyline.

    Bug Trade error

    Indeed, this has been resolved. Much thanks for your quick assistance!
  9. skyline.

    Bug Trade error

    Howdy, Tried out the trade system in the Shop and it gave this error: TypeError: DBTech\Shop\Helper::find(): Argument #3 ($with) must be of type array, null given, called in /home/agoraforo/public_html/src/addons/DBTech/Shop/Pub/Controller/Trade.php on line 779 in...
  10. skyline.

    Question Error - invalid payment method

    It's okay. We can't have it all. :) I need to learn to read documentation instead of installing and doing trial and error. :D😅
  11. skyline.

    Question Error - invalid payment method

    I was able to make it work. But literally any connection from Europe makes it impossible due to USD not being available. So now it's limited to PayPal, card payments, and Link. Which is still better than just PayPal of course.
  12. skyline.

    Question Error - invalid payment method

    Error: The payment method type provided: paypal is invalid. Please ensure the provided type is activated in your dashboard ( and your account is enabled for any preview features that you are trying to use. See...
  13. skyline.

    Question Error - invalid payment method

    This is in the ACP:
  14. skyline.

    Question Error - invalid payment method

    Don't know what I've done wrong. If any additional info is needed, let me know.