Recent content by vitrag24

  1. V

    Question Edit/Add a criteria and add at least one mood to it?

    K. But by add category u mean other than blue, isn't it? And I've some other gif moods files, can I use them? Thx.
  2. V

    Paid : Random Q&A/Fact belownavbar on each page

    Sorry but I can't think of that budget for such small script. :( But in future, if you want to create or Start new project, I hope you will consider this one in mind & create such plugin in future. Or integrate it with vB Quiz Pro. Hopefully till then I'll have this plugin. Thx.
  3. V

    Question Edit/Add a criteria and add at least one mood to it?

    Y so? What if I don't do that? Bcz I didn't do that & I think ur mod is working!!
  4. V

    Question Edit/Add a criteria and add at least one mood to it?

    [DBTech] User Status & Moods v1 (vB4) Uploaded files --> imported product --> imported other xml --> now what to do? wht is following mentioned in readme file? "Edit/Add a criteria and add at least one mood to it." thx..
  5. V

    Legacy Add status and mood dropdown in header/navbar?

    How to add status and mood dropdown in header/navbar?
  6. V

    Hi.. Reply soon...

    Hi.. Reply soon plz.
  7. V

    advance thanks/like mod query

    Ok. I'll be waiting for update then. I suggest to keep both mods separate. Separate mod for thanks,like button & separate for hide/unhide but integrated.
  8. V

    advance thanks/like mod query

    Ok. Checked by all options now. This mod needs much improvement in aspect of hide unhide thing. No bbcode button. No hidden / unhidden image . Hidden text is indistinguishable from content of post. But for just like, thanks, dislike button I'll give 10/10 points. ===== Can we do setting so...
  9. V

    advance thanks/like mod query

    Doing same. I think thread/post author can't see even unhidden message so I'm unable to determine if it's working or not.. If that's so, do u have screenshots? Thx.
  10. V

    advance thanks/like mod query

    K. But what's d bbcode for hide?& which box to check?
  11. V

    advance thanks/like mod query

    But which bbcode? I tried hide /hide but it's not working. ==== Check which boxes? === I just want following . Btw, any chances in future update, user can hide content just using bbcode without checking any boxes & one can see hidden content after clicking on thanks, special usergroup can...
  12. V

    advance thanks/like mod query

    Ok. I can see some options now while creating thread. But where's button for hide bbcode? Same as charge? ==== does user require to mark options below while creating thread or anything written within hide bbcode will be hidden & need thanks to unhide without anyother workup. I mean to ask if...
  13. V

    advance thanks/like mod query

    Where? I logged in to demo DBTech forum & clicked on create new thread, I have neither seen any hide bbcode nor thanks option to unhide.
  14. V

    advance thanks/like mod query

    trying demo login of dbtech rightnow.. i clicked on post new thread..but now i cant see any hide bbcode??
  15. V

    advance thanks/like mod query

    ok..finally asking last time..just to confirm.. i can hide specific part of thread/post by hide bbcode using this mod..and user can unhide by clicking on like/thanks..isnt it?