Pretty lame to take someone's money after merely 50~ minutes when they find the software is not compatible with their systems.
I guess I'll end up going through PayPal escalation, and if that doesn't go my way, a CC chargeback. And we all know how much the $20 USD chargeback penalties for...
Thanks, posted a separate thread with an installation issue if you can check that out so I can get the shoutbox online :).
Couldn't find it via your search, so I figure posting as thread will help others in the future.
I'm having an issue getting the shoutbox to display.
I've gone over all options, but when adding the hook it doesn't show.
Example of previous "forum_list"
Example of new "forum_list" for DragonByte shoutbox
Line 25 is the one where...
May be a good idea, I was almost about to "meh that's too expensive" and just keep on using Taiga Chat lol, but then I'm like, eh, maybe it's on the check out page.
Anyways, time to give this new shoutbox a whirl :D thanks for quick reply!