Search results for query: *

  1. W

    Question Force HTTPS

    Thank you! That worked! I'm usually afraid to touch htaccess when a rewrite engine is in place... :D
  2. W

    Question Force HTTPS

    Hey all, just finally converting my own vbulletin 4 site to https and I was wondering if there is an easy way to redirect from http to https using dragonbyte seo. Thanks!
  3. W

    Question Rewrite Rules Question

    Hello! It's been a while and I'm finally installing this product. I've got almost everything working fine, but I'm having trouble with a single Custom Rewrite Rule. It's like this: Right now this works: '^showwiki\.php$' => 'wiki/' but I'd also like to extend the links that look like...
  4. W

    Question CDN Integration?

    Hello! It's been a while, but I was curious to know if there's a way to integrate some of the CDN options in vbOptimise with vbDownloads as well? I'm looking to potentially move my database of files onto a Windows Azure server and was pleasantly surprised to find this was an option in vbOptimise.
  5. W

    Bug Character Problem with the DownloadsII Import Script

    Post ressurection! I get this error SOOOO much when someone searches my vbDownloads database in a foreign language (usually Korean, but I've tested it with others). I've tried changing the collation for my entire database to ut8_general_ci, and the swedish one, but I've had no luck. This is the...
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    How many of you here are Christian?

    I can't shake the feeling that this entire thread was probably started by a spammer. Typical
  7. W

    How many of you here are Christian?

    Meanwhile we atheists will hang around and colonize space or something. Yay optimistic lifestyle!
  8. W

    Legacy Error: Filetype not allowed

    Actually, I figured it out. I (and the person who reported the error to me) was trying to upload the filetype in the wrong place. The main mods section only takes a .mod extension, but there are other areas where .zips are ok to upload. I think maybe I'll change this thread into a suggestion...
  9. W

    Legacy Error: Filetype not allowed

    I recently had a server move, at which point I updated to the latest vbDownloads and vbulletin 4 version. Now I've discovered that my copy of vbDownloads won't allow zip uploads, despite having all the settings right (folder location, extension settings) and server settings (uploads are allowed...
  10. W

    Support Ticket Disappeared?

    I tried to post a support ticket a few days ago, but there has been no response and now I can't find the ticket anymore. What should I do? For some specifics: I want to know the process for giving away all of the licenses from one of my sites to a new person. I'm not selling them, simply just...
  11. W

    Legacy [VB5 Version Request] Redirect URLs after Import from DownloadsII

    So... a little longer? ;) I'd it the same for the vb4 version?
  12. W

    vBulletin 5 Versions coming?

    Thanks Cosmic and Fillip H.. I do sympathize with Gergely though. I am not forced to change php versions, but it does feel like with the older versions reaching end of life it would be prudent to upgrade, but it's not really an option yet. I'm not about to upgrade to vb5 right now, since it's a...
  13. W

    Legacy [VB5 Version Request] Redirect URLs after Import from DownloadsII

    Thank you! I'm looking forward to testing it out :)
  14. W

    Legacy [VB5 Version Request] Redirect URLs after Import from DownloadsII

    Bumping this thread to see if there is any update on the possibility of a redirect file for the DownloadsII URLs to redirect to the places they were imported to in the vbDownloads database. We've got the comment thread urls (thanks again for that) but I haven't seen that last piece in the recent...
  15. W

    vBulletin 5 Versions coming?

    It's been a while and I'm wondering again if there is any chance of seeing more vb5 versions released any time soon. Specially vbDownloads ;)
  16. W

    Legacy [VB5 Version Request] Redirect URLs after Import from DownloadsII

    That is awesome, thank you! Now I just need to go in and manually add in all the threads previously made by vbDownloads ;) (I'm assuming it doesn't automatically know what thread it already made a post for).
  17. W

    Legacy [VB5 Version Request] Redirect URLs after Import from DownloadsII

    Oh, that may be because it was a separate installation to the regular DownloadsII. It's by the same author but he never bothered to make it part of the main installation. If the user has the Create New Thread Add-On installed it adds the column dl_thread to the table prefix_dl2_files. So for...
  18. W

    Legacy [VB5 Version Request] Redirect URLs after Import from DownloadsII

    No problem! Here's everything you need: downloads.php?do=file&id=X - File browser, reads the id from prefix_dl2_files, column: fileid downloads.php?do=cat&id=X - Category browser, reads the id from prefix_dl2_categories, column: id downloads.php?do=search - Search Page downloads.php?do=add -...
  19. W

    Bug Character Problem with the DownloadsII Import Script

    Doh! Well I guess I'll just have to do it manually when I make the transition my live site.
  20. W

    Legacy [VB5 Version Request] Redirect URLs after Import from DownloadsII

    Honestly, I wasn't hoping for anything post-import. My thought (when I bumped this, now that I have taken apart the sql tables for both a couple times) was that during the import process the IDs could be preserved and saved in a new table alongside the brand new vbDownloads FileIDs and...