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  1. J

    Bug Not able to download

    Trying to download latest version 3.4.0 but the browser keep hanging upon initial download of the file
  2. J

    Legacy Mod request

    Hi Currently we're using Compact but it doesn't displaying header. I want to have something like No Header setting. However, that bar appears under every post, even if no thanks/likes/whatever have been given. If possible i want the bar shows only for the posts that given like/unlike/thanks. I...
  3. J

    Legacy Mod request

    Hi I tried to apply this mod into the code but somehow the latest version of this product has major code changes on thanks.js Post Thanks/Like bar shown when not needed Post Thanks/Like bar shown when not needed Would you guide me getting on this to change code myself, or maybe offer...
  4. J

    Legacy Installation service for Thanks/Like Posts

    Hi Fillip I was wondering one think about the past installation. eg: If one userid has 1000 thanks made from Abe plugin, now has moved to Dbtech plugin and getting another 500 thanks recently under new mod. So the userid now has 1500k thanks ih the stats. Anyway i could only see detail thanks...
  5. J

    Question Postbit variable

    Hi, Somehow i've seen there's 4 stats showing in postbit. Where can i find variable of these stats and choosing it to not showing instead? Likes (Given): 0 Likes (Received): 0 Dislikes (Given): 0 Dislikes (Received): 0 Thanks
  6. J

    Legacy Installation service for Thanks/Like Posts

    Thanks very much! Should we go over next assignment as emailed you yesterday? Please provide price so i could make a payment . Thanks.
  7. J

    Legacy Installation service for Thanks/Like Posts

    Both 107 + 111 PHP servers fixed. Just to share the issue caused of old libraries conflicting with new SQL version. After libraries updated, issue solved immediately.
  8. J

    Legacy Installation service for Thanks/Like Posts

    Just curious so far you have done migrating correctly right, why should i need to check again to ensure data has successfully ported? Can you help me disable the old plugin coz sometimes im a bit panic if disabling plugin (that related to table post) would takes a longer time for page to load...
  9. J

    Legacy Installation service for Thanks/Like Posts

    You're right everything files was in place. I have contacted server tech and let him fix it. So far i have tested the plugin has worked. I will enable only Like/Unlike feature until you complete migrating data & uninstall Abe Thanks plugin. Anyway what do you think about the migrating...
  10. J

    Legacy Installation service for Thanks/Like Posts

    Let me know when you have done reuploading files onto server 107. Thanks...
  11. J

    Legacy Installation service for Thanks/Like Posts

    Yes sorry for that, i think it is time to ask tech to do some research to auto-sync files if he doesn't know how to do it. I'll take this incident as a note.
  12. J

    Legacy Installation service for Thanks/Like Posts

    Ok, i did found the file correctly in server I did not find the file in server It means some files is not correctly uploaded into 107 server. Could you check it and maybe reupload?
  13. J

    Legacy Installation service for Thanks/Like Posts

    Tried login using CariGold username and still can't find it in Admin CP. So weird how come it did appear on your machine. What should i do then?
  14. J

    Legacy Installation service for Thanks/Like Posts

    I'm currently using the one and only superadmin account userid=5448 and can't find "Can Administer Thanks" in the permission in page, and i found error on top of the permission page "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/functions.php on line 4154"
  15. J

    Legacy Installation service for Thanks/Like Posts

    Seriously i can't find "DBTech - Post Thanks" in AdminCP. Only found "DBTech - Advanced Post Thanks /LIke - General Options" but can't find "Manage Buttons" as well. Can you help?
  16. J

    Legacy Installation service for Thanks/Like Posts

    Hi Fillip Any updates? Saw you still working on it while the forum was inaccessible for more than 3 hours till now. Hope everything goes smooth.
  17. J

    Legacy Installation service for Thanks/Like Posts

    Fillip, MySQL version has completely updated to v_5.1.73 FYI
  18. J

    Legacy Installation service for Thanks/Like Posts

    Unless you have some good advise for us that would be good
  19. J

    Legacy Installation service for Thanks/Like Posts

    He afraid getting some errors if going to upgrade to the current latest. I'm also not sure if there any existing plugins could be triggered errors if we proceed to do that
  20. J

    Legacy Installation service for Thanks/Like Posts

    He will start upgrade process to MySQL 5.1 right away and if anything goes right, he will finish it in 1.5 hours from now