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  • Users: RedFive
  • Content: Threads
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  1. R

    Question Migrating Likes to XF

    Hello, I have an old subscription to your Thanks / Likes product on vB 4 (it's very popular on my forum btw - thanks!), and we're now considering migrating to XenForo. XF seems to have a version of Likes functionality inbuilt, so do you have a script available that would transfer data gathered...
  2. R

    Bug Could not find phrase 'dbtech_mail_subscription_confirmation_title'

    So, I've set up a test campaign and managed to send myself a message! But I have a problem. When I subscribed myself to the list I got an email called "Could not find phrase 'dbtech_mail_subscription_confirmation_title'." containing the body text as follows: <html dir="" lang="">Could not find...
  3. R

    Bug Multiple issues after upgrade to 4.2.2

    We had a working install of this product until we upgraded the forum to vb4.2.2 and imported the Likes from vbSEO (which as now been removed). Since then I've upgraded the Post Thanks / Like to the latest version 3.2.5 pl2, I've repaired the cache and run all of the maintenance tasks (which...