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  • Users: db-fan22
  • Content: Threads
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  1. db-fan22

    Pending Is it possible to give 0.50 of a credit? for events?

    I want to give my users 0.10 cents every time they make a post and 0.50 cents for making a thread and 0.90 cents for other activities. But when i went into the event and put 0.10 After i view a thread. It says i earned 0 for viewing a thread
  2. db-fan22

    Implemented Display item name in a tooltip when hovering in the postbit

    would be great if when you hover over the item it tells you what it is, cuz i made my own icon but they're too small to see, or make the icons rectangle
  3. db-fan22

    how do you guys send newsletters every week with thousands of users?

    i got an email saying: "The system has detected an unusually large amount of outbound email. It is possible that the following email address has been sending spam from your server" after i sent a newsletter and i only have 5000 users what happens when...
  4. db-fan22

    Pending Credits event "Visit" needs to be improved with actual usernames

    when someone visits someones profile, in the transactions it says you earned # of credits because someone visited your profile but it doesn't tell you who visited it in text, it only shows the avatar, its a bit confusing, you have to look at the avatar, source and avatar so i changed...
  5. db-fan22

    make a dbtech real xenforo mobile app

    70-90% of users use mobile now, laptops are past, desktop are less and less used please make a dbTech xenforo mobile app i dont think xenforo will ever make mobile app, they only have 3 developers and cant afford to hire more developers so we need you to make it for us, i dont have...
  6. db-fan22

    Bug Shadow color work, but doesn't change in configure item

    shadow color is working great, no problem, but not change to correct color in configure item here is video of bug .
  7. db-fan22

    where do we make a ticket for custom add-ons?

    #1 , i dont see any area to make ticket for custom add-on, i want to get quote to see how much for custom add-on #2, also, does coupon apply for custom add-on work? i see easter sale, i want to use coupon for custom work .
  8. db-fan22

    Not planned Add "donate with bitcoin"

    i want to buy this add-on in the future, but not have bitcoin would be great if users can donate bitcoins to me example: admin panel enter bitcoin address where payments will go to: 1B44G8xa1ZK6RMYW5CD56vvvPHux6kt4RgfmxDHS3suixc6 then, user send bitcoin to me, and that's all, no need api...
  9. db-fan22

    Bug TypeError: Argument 2 passed to DBTech\Credits\Repository\Transaction

    i keep seeing this server error message in my admin panel, i don't know why, my forum is working well, havent seen any problems for your reference Server error log TypeError: Argument 2 passed to DBTech\Credits\Repository\Transaction::sendTransactionAlert() must be an instance of...
  10. db-fan22

    Not planned Conversation event "add mini avatar"

    When i look at the transactions i can see someone earned credits because they sent a conversation, but i cannot see to who they sent a conversation to, suggestion: i would be great if you could add a "mini avatar" so we can see to who they sent a conversation to i ask this because...
  11. db-fan22

    Duplicate Add "profile viewed" event

    i just saw that there is an event called "Profile" it gives you credits when you view someone's profile, suggestion: it would be great also if there was an event called "Profile viewed" you get credits when someone views your profile example: "you get 10 credits because...
  12. db-fan22

    Why did dbtech website loose so much traffic during 1 month, because of xenforo?

    I noticed the dbtech website went from 600k to 42k visitors, the biggest drop was almost during 1 month back in sept,oct im guessing this is because the change from vbulletin to xenforo? i remember this site was on vbulletin not to long ago, i dont want to blame xenforo but it's only a guess...
  13. db-fan22

    Bug deleted user, got error, forum white screen, had to re-build data

    i got spam, so i went to edit user, then deleted the user from the admin panel, and now my forum is white but i can access the admin panel, here is the error that is found Server error log ErrorException: Fatal Error: Method XF\Widget\WidgetRenderer::__toString() must not throw...
  14. db-fan22

    Question Withdraw feature - continued

    i make this thread because you close the thread, its almost as you try to censor me! you should not close customer thread because customer want to reply and maybe others want to reply no handled manually by admin is not good, you...
  15. db-fan22

    Implement a voting system so users can know which suggestions/featues are coming

    dbtech is king, but something is missing here i see many people make suggestions for new features, but problem is: --we don't know which suggestions take priority over others --we don't know which suggestions are coming --we don't know how dbtech choose which suggestions --no way to vote...
  16. db-fan22

    PayPal vs Bitcoin

    i was banned from paypal many years ago luckily for me because paypal banned me i got into bitcoin early bitcoin is the future! because no one controls bitcoin so bitcoin can never ban you! hip hip hooray! .
  17. db-fan22

    Add Bitcoin as payment(alternative to paypal)

    when i try to buy an add-on, it asks for paypal paypal is for old people, please add bitcoin as another payment for young and cool people .
  18. db-fan22

    Not planned Add event for "Referral Contests 2 by Siropu"

    hello, Referral Contests 2 by Siropu is compatible with dbtech credits when someone register with someone's referral link, he gets credits, but problem is, alert says "You added 1,007 Credits to your account." i think its because there is no event for "Referral Contests 2 by...
  19. db-fan22

    Bug Shop username style different colors on forum index

    the Shop username style is different colors on forum index, i waited several days because i thought maybe it was a cron, but it never changes, the red is the style i have before, but does not update i think its a bug, .
  20. db-fan22

    Improve BB Codes/Share this Album - Media Gallery

    i think the BB Code/Share Album is lacking function ability, its very basic right now. would be great if someone added more flexibility with ad add-on for example right now, my random album has 25 pictures, 2 pages there is only 2 boxes for share album box1 box2...