See below for php server info. Site is test forum under directory /xf-test and currently not live.
Error only occurs in forum enabled to tweet when attempting to create a new thread.
Xenforo: 2.2.7 Patch 1
DragonByte Tweet Poster: 1.2.2 (branding option)
Thanks for your time.
I've updated to the latest version of Thanks/Like and issue remains.
Clicking does nothing. Hovering the LIKE button only produces "Javascript://" and the screen blinks on clicking.
Apache 2.4, PHP 5.4
Please advise
I need to upgrade my forum. It has almost 8m posts. Are there concise instructions on switching from vbSEO to DBSEO were we to purchase directly the pro version?
New users getting the error "We could not activate your account because this web address is not valid." After upgrade to 4.2.1 & 2.5.3
I just purchased the pro version on May 11th. I had lite running for almost a year.
Unsure if issue with vbOptimize pro settings or vBulletin. Suspect file...