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  1. C

    Bug Urls not showing pagnation

    Ahh, I ordered the wrong one.. can we switch that please
  2. C

    Bug Urls not showing pagnation

    I bought the shout, entered in VB 4.2X and i see i have XenForo ? no idea what that is
  3. C

    Bug Urls not showing pagnation

    Does not make sense the pagnation broke when i disabled and re-enabled the plugin
  4. C

    Bug Urls not showing pagnation

    Just let me know where this is generated, I can track it down from there hopefully as the numbers are therte just not adding them to the url for some reason.
  5. C

    Bug Urls not showing pagnation

    OK its running on 5.6 right now, I need to figure out what happened with the pagnation
  6. C

    Bug Urls not showing pagnation

    Also, do you offer a product to let users chat on the forum? shoutbox is not that correct as my chat plugin is also broken I use. I think shoutbox is what I need but will it run on 4.2.5 with php 7.5?
  7. C

    Bug Urls not showing pagnation

    I am forced to upgrade to php 7.4 and I added a patch to enable VB to work with 7.4. All was going well but I disable the Dragonbyte seo plugin, then re-enabled, ever since I have no pagnation pages in the urls. This happens with both php 5.6 and 7.4 now! No idea why this happened but would...
  8. C

    Question Navtabs - not able to discern selected

    uninstalled, dont worry about it
  9. C

    Question Navtabs - not able to discern selected

    I have to buy no branding for each product?
  10. C

    Question Navtabs - not able to discern selected

    Can not make this work correctly with added pages under a sinle script (template) all pages other than the actual forum on uses a template called c_portal Would like some insight, also I own non branding but this product shows branding on footer thanks Chris
  11. C

    Question Installed DBSEO over VBSEO - Have a loop on Forum and CMS while using vBadvanced indx

    I tohught so but I have re-direct loops on forum threads
  12. C

    Question Title with a % sighn thow 400 error

    I just went and renamed those forums, not going to worry about this one.
  13. C

    Question Title with a % sighn thow 400 error

    OK new problem arose with the change, Forum title such as NEWS! is broken now, I have three forum titles with ! and ?
  14. C

    Question Title with a % sighn thow 400 error

    That was easy, thanks again
  15. C

    Question Title with a % sighn thow 400 error

    ALl my old posts with a % sign in the title from VBSEO are no longer able to be opened, they all end up with a 400 Error
  16. C

    Question VBSEO to DBSEO Questions

    Have an issue, but this is possiblt from a server upgrade as well but SEO url related. I have a lot of % signs in my urls as I deal with percent bonuses. Any url with a % throws a 400 bad request error
  17. C

    Question VBSEO to DBSEO Questions

    possibly but then i am afraid links for translator will fail, I will play with it once I have some free time and report back
  18. C

    Question VBSEO to DBSEO Questions

    It is calls from Vbet translator calling VBSEO files :( Trying to get them to support This
  19. C

    Question VBSEO to DBSEO Questions

    I will dig a bit as I go, was going to isolate the file being used from the VBSEO folder. I did the uninstall as well and that went ok, but still stops execution when i rename the folder (vbseo) .
  20. C

    Question VBSEO to DBSEO Questions

    ; Examples: ; ; - Show all errors, except for notices ; error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED ; ; - Show only errors ; ;error_reporting = E_COMPILE_ERROR|E_ERROR|E_CORE_ERROR ; ; - Show all errors except for notices ; ;error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE ; Print out errors...