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  1. Forsaken

    Pending Daily Login Streak Tracker

    This is possible with the additional add-on included with:
  2. Forsaken

    Bug ErrorException: Received unexpected response code 404 (Not Found) src/XF/Error.php:77

    I have not gotten this error since, so I'm not sure exactly what was causing it. You can likely just close this, but I will let you know if it comes back.
  3. Forsaken

    Bug ErrorException: Received unexpected response code 404 (Not Found) src/XF/Error.php:77

    Have not seen the error again since... No clue why, but will keep running it and checking error log.
  4. Forsaken

    Bug ErrorException: Received unexpected response code 404 (Not Found) src/XF/Error.php:77

    So, I was no longer having issues, and have re-enabled Project Honeypot, and ran that for ~2 days. I've now re-added HIBP, but am leaving out the username check (probably leaving that out).
  5. Forsaken

    Bug ErrorException: Received unexpected response code 404 (Not Found) src/XF/Error.php:77

    So not sure why this was happening, but I disabled Signup Abuse and Conversation Sharing/Conversation Monitor and had one of the people who had the problem manage to setup 2FA and login. I re-enabled Signup Abuse and will see if there are still issues. I also disabled HIBP and Project Honeypot...
  6. Forsaken

    Bug ErrorException: Received unexpected response code 404 (Not Found) src/XF/Error.php:77

    I regenerated my key and will see if it still happens. I'll add the code in a bit too.
  7. Forsaken

    Bug ErrorException: Received unexpected response code 404 (Not Found) src/XF/Error.php:77

    Yes, there is an API key. Error still happens with Password Tools disabled.
  8. Forsaken

    Pending Add way to hide Richest Users tab

    I still would like an option to completely remove the richest user tabs, as in our specific case credits have monetary values associated with them are at least a privacy risk, and potentially a security risk by making people on the richest user list a potential target.
  9. Forsaken

    Pending Add way to hide Richest Users tab

    Replace: <ul class="tabPanes"> <xf:if is="$eventTriggers.purchase"> <xf:if is="!$tab"> <li class="{{ $tab == 'purchase' ? 'is-active' : '' }}" role="tabpanel" id="{{ unique_id('purchase') }}">...
  10. Forsaken

    Pending Add way to hide Richest Users tab

    Have to post the rest separately due to character limit. Removes contents of richest user and replaces with purchase (can be any option, but we sell currency). Find: <ul class="tabPanes"> <xf:if is="!$tab"> <li class="is-active"...
  11. Forsaken

    Pending Add way to hide Richest Users tab

    Contents of the richest user tabs can be hidden, but it does still display who has the most credits so I am still using template mods to remove this: Here are the template mods I am currently using: Template: dbtech_credits_currency Removes the richest user tab and replaces with the purchase...
  12. Forsaken

    Bug ErrorException: Received unexpected response code 404 (Not Found) src/XF/Error.php:77

    I have both Signup Abuse and Password Tools by Xon added; I disabled Password Tools now because there is not much point as I started enforcing 2FA for everyone, rather than for people who were compromised.
  13. Forsaken

    Pending Change Unique/Exclusive to detect discarded items as well

    Currently the Unique/Exclusive option for shop items only works if you have the item in your inventory, which means if the product is set to automatically discard users can purchase it endlessly. By default, users can discard their purchases, so if an item has been configured and then discarded...
  14. Forsaken

    Pending Add item type and specific item filter for Transaction Log

    Because I am using DragonByte Shop for an eCommerce shop for digital items, and will sometimes need to look up item usage in the transaction logs it is actually fairly difficult to do when I cannot track a specific item by item type or by the specific item.
  15. Forsaken

    Pending Item Criteria Options

    Not sure if I remember wrong, but I believe in the XF1 version of Dragonbyte Tech, it was possible to use Criteria to limit who could see items. I have a use case where people can buy one item, and then we have a second cheaper item that we sell, and I want it only shown to people who have...
  16. Forsaken

    Pending Unused Item Criteria

    Would it be possible to get a Criteria that checks for an unused Shop item (by item type)? I have a custom item type that we use to sell digital goods, and due to the checkout flow new members will sometimes have issues with figuring out what to do.
  17. Forsaken

    Pending Credits Earned/Spent Tracking & Criteria

    Would it be possible to get support added for the following criteria: Has earned fewer than X <Currency> Has earned more than X <Currency> Has spent fewer than X <Currency> Has spent more than X <Currency> I have a lot of transactions on our forum (we're approaching 30k since we upgraded to...
  18. Forsaken

    Bug Disabling one currency for trading prevents any currency from being traded

    I have two different currencies, one that is a freemium one, and one that is premium. I allow trading with the premium one but disallow it on the free one. When I have trading enabled for both currencies, trades can be completed successfully, but when trading when the free currency is disabled...
  19. Forsaken

    Pending Add way to hide Richest Users tab

    That can be controlled with permissions.