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  1. db-fan22

    Pending Get credit for everytime "view count"

    bump can we donate to get requests speed up?
  2. db-fan22

    Finally after almost 10 years

    All the forums i own are dead. It was a dog forum, clothing forum, shoes forum, books forum, admin forum, sewing forum and some past ones. only two are online i think and they are dead too. Its not worth posting the link anymore. It's all too depressing. I want to forget all the money i spent...
  3. db-fan22

    Finally after almost 10 years

    I've been a customer for 5 years. I've been getting bored of forums these days. I haven't done much with my forum. I sold 2 of my forums and still have some other ones. But forums are not as popular anymore. The web server administrator I hired is retiring soon so i will have no one to look...
  4. db-fan22

    Add Bitcoin as payment(alternative to paypal)

    by the way. I dont need Bitcoin added as a payment anymore. Bitcoin has progressed. We now can use btc payserver with forums it works amazing. I accept bitcoin. All you need is to add a link on your forum and btc pay server does all the transactions
  5. db-fan22

    Add Bitcoin as payment(alternative to paypal)

    wow! last time i posted in this thread price was at 16K now it's 2023 and the price is at 29k! who still in and who is rich now?
  6. db-fan22

    Add Bitcoin as payment(alternative to paypal)

    who's still in? Almost everyone i know purchases bitcoin during the "high" and sells it when it's going down. $16,578.99USD per coin the trick is to not sell. keep hodling!! I've used Bitcoin to purchase things online. I've also paid developers online using bitcoin to completely...
  7. db-fan22

    The Official YouTube channel

    Why are you getting all pissy about a youtube channel? Stop being a baby Last video on that channel was 3 years ago. Fillip is the only one in this company. He's trying his best. Coding takes a lot of time and energy, why would someone waste time on making videos which is time consuming...
  8. db-fan22

    Add Bitcoin as payment(alternative to paypal)

    WOW!! 39,084.02 USD!! who's still in Bitcoin?? its still the future!!! will keep going UP UP UP!! we will win!! we will not back down!! Don't give up patriots!! APES TOGETHER STRONG!!
  9. db-fan22

    Pending Add Summary Card + Permissions

    It doesn't specify what it means but there is hundreds of threads with the tag "pending" When someone creates a thread it forces us to pick a prefix and thats the only one to choose from it's a false sense of hope
  10. db-fan22

    PayPal vs Bitcoin

    Bitcoin is now at 49,870 USD Stop using Banks money. The bank will soon now allow you to access your money if you do not have vaccine passport. Only buy Bitcoin. All other coins is fake and the banks want you to not buy Bitcoin so they create many other coins. You can make lots of profit...
  11. db-fan22

    Pending Is it possible to give 0.50 of a credit? for events?

    I want to give my users 0.10 cents every time they make a post and 0.50 cents for making a thread and 0.90 cents for other activities. But when i went into the event and put 0.10 After i view a thread. It says i earned 0 for viewing a thread
  12. db-fan22

    Add Bitcoin as payment(alternative to paypal)

    It's a huge transfer of wealth. Bitcoin is up against the banks and corrupt politicians around the world. We no longer need banks, we can be our own bank. keep buying! don't listen to other people, they are trying to lie to you so u can keep using government money which devalues often...
  13. db-fan22

    🎆Happy New Year to DB Tech🎆 The best add-on company! hip hip hooray!

    🎆Happy New Year to DB Tech🎆 The best add-on company! hip hip hooray!
  14. db-fan22

    Not planned Allow users to "Withdraw credits"

    someone made a withdrawl add-on for dragonbyte credits
  15. db-fan22

    PayPal vs Bitcoin

    haha it's so funny, Paypal now has started it's users to allow buying Bitcoin on their website, Bitcoin is now again on a all time high and bull run, Bitcoin is going to take over the world The world is tired of Banks! Banks are evil and devalue our money and always enriches the few...
  16. db-fan22

    Question Notification image

    i didnt change it,. i said it was a suggestion and i used photoshop .
  17. db-fan22

    Question Notification image

    i made that on photoshop, it was merely a suggestion .
  18. db-fan22

    Question Notification image

    i wanted to change mine to a dollar sign, it looks better