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  1. Ambient Vibe

    Question ACP login gone, replaced by error - help?

    I have followed all your instructions, Filip - and it worked! I reuploaded the original config.php file and am once again able to access my ACP for XenForo. Thank you so much for your prompt help and attention to this issue. I cannot thank you enough! (y):cool::love:
  2. Ambient Vibe

    Question ACP login gone, replaced by error - help?

    Hmm, I don't see a config.php file in my xenforo's main folder. Should I be looking in the SRC folder? UPDATE: Able to log into the back now. Running the disabler for all 3rd party modifications.
  3. Ambient Vibe

    Question ACP login gone, replaced by error - help?

    Yesterday, I downloaded the DBTech Security 5.0.0 and DBTech Shop 7.0.0 updates and uploaded them via FTP, to my XenForo. Imagine my surprise when my forum suddenly vanished. In its place sat a blank page reading: HTTP ERROR 500. This site is unavailable. I try not to panic, even though I...
  4. Ambient Vibe

    A Huge Thanks!

    Just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to the guys at DragonByte Tech, and especially Filip H who has been so very helpful in assisting me - a newb - fix up my forum. Not only did his suggestions help fix up my DragonByte Shop, but they also worked for other 3rd party add-ons that seemed to have...
  5. Ambient Vibe

    Bug Installation Failure

    That worked - thank you - everything is working perfectly now. :D
  6. Ambient Vibe

    Bug Installation Failure

    How do I re-scan the files? (Sorry, first time being asked to do this.)
  7. Ambient Vibe

    Bug Installation Failure

    I got php set to 7.2 and I re-ran the installer again - this time, it worked and said everything was installed/upgraded perfectly. The only thing I get on the front page of the ACP in XF now, is: File health check results DragonByte Shop src/addons/DBTech/Shop/_data/phrases.xml...
  8. Ambient Vibe

    Bug Installation Failure

    I haven't ever done so but will try to do that for the Shop add-on. When it asks me for the Add-on archive(s), what file(s) do I upload through the popup window? Or is it the entire zip file that goes in there? UPDATE: I ran the archive installer and get this error: Exception: Invalid XML in file.
  9. Ambient Vibe

    Bug Installation Failure

    I was attempting to upgrade the Shop from the last version (6.1.3) to the newest one (6.1.4), but every time I attempt to do this, the following happens and I cannot finish the installation: I have attempted to do an update first, then I went in and deleted all the shop files/uninstalled the...
  10. Ambient Vibe

    Question Expired License

    When renewing for this product, how does the pricing work? My license has expired (and I didn't realize this till now. LOL)
  11. Ambient Vibe

    Question Icons not showing up?

    That fixed it - thank you!
  12. Ambient Vibe

    Question Icons not showing up?

    Oops. I just noticed I typed in the Website URL wrong. It should read: The alternate link is When I mouse over the image and read the source info. for the image location it seems to be going to the which is a...
  13. Ambient Vibe

    Question Icons not showing up?

    I've checked and re-checked to make sure that all the files from the uploaded folder were uploaded - and the shop installed without a hitch. However, there seems to be an issue with showing any icons for new/custom items - so far all I get is broken images (red 'x' in the box), so I'm not sure...
  14. Ambient Vibe

    License Upgrade

    Thanks a lot for clarifying that. :D
  15. Ambient Vibe

    License Upgrade

    Okay but that doesn't tell me how much cheaper. Is it going to be the difference between Lifetime license and what I already paid, or some other amount?
  16. Ambient Vibe

    License Upgrade

    If I bought a 3 month license for the Shop just to test it out, and later wanted to get the lifetime license, for example - would I have to pay the full price for the product, or would there be a reduction - and if so, by how much?