Search results for query: *

  1. W

    Bug Missing Core.php & Finalise.php?

    Yes, I've actually put the files in the correct places and I'm still getting the same error. Could I possibly add you on MSN and discuss this with you?
  2. W

    Do you have a MSN? :) I'd really like to add you.

    Do you have a MSN? :) I'd really like to add you.
  3. W

    Bug Missing Core.php & Finalise.php?

    Oh wow my mistake but I'm still a little lost. Is there a tutorial? :L
  4. W

    Bug Missing Core.php & Finalise.php?

    Yes, I uploaded the 'forum' file inside the uploaded vBulletin files.
  5. W

    Hello can you help me with Name Change modification?

    Hello can you help me with Name Change modification?
  6. W

    Hello can you help me out with the Name Change plugin please? I've posted a thread with the issues.

    Hello can you help me out with the Name Change plugin please? I've posted a thread with the issues.
  7. W

    Bug Missing Core.php & Finalise.php?

    Title says all. When I'm installing the modification it says that I'm missing /install/core.php and /install/finalise.php for some reason. :L Can anyone help?
  8. W

    Hello everyone

    Hey guys I'm WhopperXZ. :) I own United Hacks (a new vBulletin site) and ended up here looking for awesome plugins. :D I like the name change one the best. <3