Search results for query: *

  1. T

    Question Branding Free: Advanced User Tagging

    I can not download the Branding Free: Advanced User Tagging anymore? For some reason, all thats in the zip folder is a txt read me file? And it makes no point answering what version I run when I dont run it... So I just posted something otherwise it wouldnt let me submit the ticket.
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    Not posting to forum

    Editing post as I misunderstood your reply. Forums are open for new threads and ones are created on a daily basis. Just not quiz thredas when asked to..
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    Not posting to forum

    Still no respons... Amazing! Dylan who do I contact on here to get any help on this matter?
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    Not posting to forum

    This still hasn't been solved… How do I get help on this?
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    Not posting to forum

    Still looking for help on why threads arent created in chosen forum after creating a quiz.......
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    Not posting to forum

    Any help on this?
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    Bug Perhaps a Bug in the New Listing

    I had the same problem... I found your thread and fixed it the same way.
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    Not posting to forum

    I have allowed members to create quizzes but they get this error when trying to: Where do I change that in setting please?
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    Not posting to forum

    Any help on this?
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    Not posting to forum

    When creating a quiz and choosing which forum to post a thread to, no thread is created? Possible bug or did I miss a setting? Also, regardless of how I set the scores, it calculates like this: Taken Brugernavn Incorrect Correct Percentage/Result i dag User one 5 5 100% i...
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    Bug BF Key downloading Issue

    I get the same error…..
  12. T

    Branding free

    Oops. Sorry :o
  13. T

    Branding free

    Of course. Pm with mail is on its way :)
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    Legacy Question about vbclassified

    I just purchased the copyright removal option but can not download the file? I get this error from client area: Edit: Removed image (Mokonzi)
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    Bug Database error

    Absolutly :)
  16. T

    Can't download / can't find download URL

    Have you tried client area? :)
  17. T

    Bug Database error

    Uninstalled and reinstalled today. Still get the error when trying to approve user groups: Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: UPDATE usergroup SET ### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ### `title` = 'Administrators', `description` = '', `usertitle` = 'Administrator'...
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    Legacy Question about vbclassified

    Pm send Mokonzi. Ready when you are :)
  19. T

    Legacy Question about vbclassified

    Just tried this. I uninstalled successfully but now get error when trying to reinstall. PM is on its way :)
  20. T

    Legacy Question about vbclassified

    The error is: Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM dbtech_classifieds_listing AS l WHERE l.moderated = 1 AND l.ended != 1; MySQL Error : Unknown column 'l.moderated' in 'where clause' Error Number : 1054