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  1. S

    Classifieds v1.0.0b13 bug fixed and report

    in dbtech_classifieds_feedback_list_bit image icons fixed <tr> <td class="blockrow"> <a href="dbtclassifieds.php?do=listing&action=viewlisting&listingitemid={vb:raw listing.listingitemid}"> <vb:if condition="$listing['attachmentid']">...
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    Bug viewing a image it spend 2 credit

    can we remove the count in viewing the attachment in the Lightbox?
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    Bug viewing a image it spend 2 credit

    and on download event how can i use zip and rar only? attached image is used too.
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    Bug viewing a image it spend 2 credit

    i set 1 credit on download event,but when i view a image it spend 2 credits. if we look in the image it is double.
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    Question vBCreditsII Integration

    ok thanks sir!:)
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    Question vBCreditsII Integration

    but it say to your feature list is Complete Feature List Lite Searching Quick Search [AJAX] Search by Name/Poster Integration vBCreditsII Pay to Download Pay to Upload vBShout Notification on new download...
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    Question vBCreditsII Integration

    how to add vBCreditsII in vbdownloads? i can't see vbdowloads in vbcredits Events.thanks!
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    Question error on purchase

    Attracta so very infortant on a site...ok sir thanks for info...
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    Question error on purchase

    is this issue fixed on the new version sir?
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    Question error on purchase

    after a several months, my vbcredits show this when purchase credits. i don't know what this codes means. Br.carlo
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    me to im waiting for perfect Classifieds on vbulletin 4.2.0 ...
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    Question VBslider Not showing on my forum

    i send already pm on you bszopi.thanks!
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    Question VBslider Not showing on my forum

    i tried but nothing happen...
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    Question VBslider Not showing on my forum

    sir, bszopi can you set it on my forum i'll give my user and pass. just one example.
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    Question VBslider Not showing on my forum

    i dont know how to set Add New Template please teach me
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    Question VBslider Not showing on my forum

    VBslider Not showing on my forum.. how to set this. can you give me a example or guide me. Replacement Variables Set this to the number of variables your template has. For instance, to create a display with a % discount, a before price and a current price, set this to 3.
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    Legacy Please add vbcredit on Random Question.

    ok sir,i'll check again vbforms and make suggestions to fit on my site!thanks!very nice support!
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    Legacy Please add vbcredit on Random Question.

    it's ok.but can your team create a " DragonByte Application vBForms" better than "Advanced Application Forms" created by snog?
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    Legacy Please add vbcredit on Random Question.

    i request that already...he say my request is in her wish list, but till now no no 'vbcredits' integrations on his 'application form mod'. i know he can add it because in his raffle mod it has 'vbcredits'.. if you can add a vbcredits integration on Advanced Application Forms i'll pay..
  20. S

    Legacy Please add vbcredit on Random Question.

    i already installed and check the vBforms and i think not fit for me. because i need more settings like this.. this a Advanced Application Forms created by snog this application is fit for me,if you can create like this ill pay even if it is 100usd..the problem of this application he don't...