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Legacy DragonByte Classifieds 1.1.9

Change log

Fixed: Missing Phrase when marking a payment not received and when sending download links to the buyer
Fixed: Advert bar on the main View Listings page stretching the width of the page
Fixed: Issues with the Firefox display of the two column View Listings page
Fixed: Issue with manually marking the Payment for an item
Fixed: Missing phrase in the Listing Length manager when deleting a listing length

Change: In the Forms Manager there is a note if there are no valid postage options

Feature: My Listings and My Classifieds pages highlight when a payment has not been paid for an item
Feature: My Listings and My Classifieds pages present a Send Payment Reminder link to the seller to send the buyer a payment reminder PM
Feature: My Listings and My Classifieds pages present a Make Payment link to the buyer to make a payment to the seller for the unpaid for item
Feature: View Order page now adds a note that payment hasn't been made if the buyer is still awaiting completed payment
Feature: PMs sent when a purchase or winning offer is accepted include notification that a confirmation of payment being sent or received will be sent by the system.
Feature: Notifications to tell a user how many unpaid items they have sold or have bought
Feature: New Maintenance tool to recoutn all a user's unpaid for items they have sold or have bought