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Legacy DragonByte Classifieds 1.1.1

Change log

Fixed: MySQL error when archiving an unsold listing
Fixed: Issue with the wrong buyer name being displayed on the My Classifieds page
Fixed: Issue with Feedback list page not correctly displaying the right results of feedback a user has received
Fixed: Issue with the My Classifieds page displaying the wrong details for who left or received feedback
Fixed: Issue with Leave Feedback option available for listings that have not been sold
Fixed: Unnecessary HTML removed from several PM phrases
Fixed: Formatting on the My Classifieds page that left an unclosed HTML tag
Fixed: Percentage Positive Feedback not correctly calculated

Change: The My Classifieds and My Listings pages now uses the phrase 'View Your Feedback' when you have already posted feedback on an item
Change: Improved the collection and output of the Percentage Positive Feedback