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DragonByte Credits 5.3.0rc2

Change log

Change: Transactions are now deleted in the background when an event is deleted
Change: Transactions are now deleted in the background when a currency is deleted
Fix: The Purchase event trigger would not correctly log the real-world cost of the purchase in its helper log table
Fix: Fix a missing landing page after purchasing credits
Fix: Daily, Paycheck, Interest and Taxation events would not trigger correctly if multiple currencies were defined

Release notes

This version features mostly behind-the-scenes changes aimed at improving performance and reliability when deleting events and currencies.

Previously, transactions would be deleted right away, which did not work if you had tens of thousands of transactions (or more!) for any given event / currency. Transactions are now deleted using a background task, which vastly improves reliability.

Out of the bug fixes, the most important fix is that the Daily, Paycheck, Interest and Taxation events would not trigger correctly if multiple currencies were defined. Instead, they would only trigger for the first currency in the list.
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