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Legacy DragonByte Forum Tabs 1.0.1

Change log

Feature: Optional setting to make Cookies permanent or not.
Feature: Remove All Favourites options added to Forum Home, Forumdisplay and User CP menus.
Feature: Add forum and it's subforums in one click.
Feature: Remove forum and it's subforums in one click.
Feature: StyleVars to control the hover opacity of tab images.
Fix: Fixed inability to Favourite on User CP Settings page.
Fix: Update box now appears on the Forumdisplay and User CP pages.
Fix: Fixed the favourites not listing correctly when loading a tab via AJAX.
Fix: Fixed unidling link not working correctly.
Change: Removed unused plugins and files.
Change: Corrected incorrectly labelled phrases.
Change: Renamed Cookies.
Change: Readded heading text 'Sub-Forums' when subforums are displayed.