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DragonByte Social Groups 2.1.0

Change log

Removed: "Use content moderator" option
Feature: Use native XenForo "Featured Content" system for featured groups
Feature: "Pending group invites" badge on the navbar tab
Change: Replace nav.xfmg with dbtech_social_groups_media where appropriate
Fix: Fix deleting discussion reply ban alerts when a reply ban is deleted

Release notes

This version introduces a major breaking change: The "Use content moderator system" setting has been removed. The reason is; the setting had numerous adverse effects that I was not aware of when initially designing the feature.

Allowing social group moderators to also be considered forum moderators meant it was impossible to report posts made by those users, anywhere on the site, and it was also impossible to ban that member. Giving social group owners - which in many cases are just regular forum members - the ability to make anyone on the site immune to moderation is, as you might imagine, not a good idea.

Furthermore, it conflated the concept of who is actually site staff. Social group moderators only had the ability to perform limited actions within their own social groups, so them being listed on "Our Staff" pages and potentially being contacted for issues beyond their control would be confusing to both the social group moderators and the broader community.

Lastly, it was a pain to maintain two separate code paths for what is effectively the same feature; allowing social group owners to delegate certain moderation tasks as they see fit.

For these reasons, the "Supervisor" feature is now the only available option.

If you previously used the Content Moderator system, you should delete all content moderators you don't want to also be considered site staff from the admin.php?moderators/ page.
It is still possible to assign certain users as content moderators via the AdminCP using the normal XenForo functionality, but this is now an admin-only action.


This version also uses the XenForo native "Featured Content" system for featured social groups. Featuring groups must now be done via the "..." edit menu in the front-end, you can no longer feature social groups by editing an option in the AdminCP.

Lastly, there is now a badge counter in the navbar tab for pending group invites.